So I got scammed last week brehs and feel like an idiot. :snoop:


Dec 25, 2014
The scam that almost got me a few yrs ago was the one where they spoof a phone number and pretend to be a police detective telling you that your bank account has been compromised and then tell you to ring your bank afterwards they block outgoing calls and basically the line is still open and they have someone else come on pretending to be from your bank. As the detective asks what bank you use they know and can pretend.

It was only when I noticed a few things they were asking did I twig and cussed them out. They threatened to come round my yard to get me:russ:

They also ring early in the morning. Motherfukkers got me out of bed so I wasn't with it totally at first as it was very convincing, but they catch a lot of people out with that scam. especially old people. One chick got taken for 20k the ones they pull with the gift cards is even more crazy I saw a story where some old lady got done for 100k. All her savings gone.



May 14, 2012
I worked in financial security for a few years....anything that ends in cashiers check, western union, giftcards, your credit card or bank account number or a PayPal is an absolute no.

It's the ones that don't end like that that are like :ohhh:.

The cell phone ones are good. They'll spoof your subscriber and be like "Hi...(your name) this is Mark from Verizon....we've noticed some fraudulent activity on your account, have you been receiving any spam texts messages, calls, emails or even pops or apps on your phone?
(And you will have)

"Some how your account got compromised, they tried to order an iPhone and have it shipped but it's being shipped out of country, which isn't something you'd likely do....all we are gonna do is change your password but we will also monitor your account for 60 days to make sure no orders or account changes happen, as far as the spam, you can delete any recent apps you've installed, run a virus killer to clean up the phone or bring it to a store and we will do it for free."

They send you the text and tell you your account is secure. They don't sell you nothing or anything.

When you respond to that text, what you really just did was allow the person on the phone to change your password to your online account. Now they are inside your account and can order stuff and charge it to the acct.