So Hangman Adam Page is the biggest failure in AEW History right?


Indiana's Finest
May 3, 2012
It was clear that he wasn’t ready to be the #1 guy and the face of the company. A guy like him that believes he’s above advice from legends and vets in the locker room won’t go very far. Page never carried himself like a world champion. Page is stuck with the indie mentality.

He’ll always deliver good performances in the ring and do all the cool moves. But it’s hard for me to get behind him nh because he comes off extremely whiney, melodramatic and doesn’t live the cowboy gimmick he portrays.

The last great cowboy in wrestling was James Storm. He was a guy that truly lived his gimmick and you believed it. He would never show up in a wrestling ring wearing jeans with butterflies over em.

It also doesn’t help that he’s around the Wack Order too. Now his promo with Moxley this past Wednesday was good I’ll give him that and I’ll tune in to see the match but at this point i think it’s too late for him to be the main guy.

Tony needs to sit down with Page and convince him he needs to be repackaged because the cowboy shyt don’t suit him at all.

I think his gimmick is a direct clash with his real life persona so it comes off inauthentic and leaves him looking p*ssy

He’s one of those super left, ultra liberal “save the planet” guys but attempting to portray a badass cowboy. That’s the disconnect. My nikka be like

I’m a cowboy!! I drink beer and kick ass! Yeahhh!

Black trans lives matter!! 🌈

Stop Asian hate!!!

Autism awareness!!

Fossil fuel is killing the earth!!!

Eating meat is murder!!

And it’s like… all that shyt is cool. We fukk with ya morals b.. but a progressive cowboy is like, huh? It would be like Undertaker being a devout bible thumping Christian while trying to get us to buy into his Taker gimmick on tv, or Kane trying to get us to currently buy into the Kane character while simultaneously being a MAGA politician
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Jun 15, 2012
Detroit/Los Angeles
I see your Adam Page and raise you an Adam Cole... :jbhmm:

Debut severely upstaged by Bryan Danielson.

Went from possibly being the most over and dominant champion in NXT (and getting a win over Danielson during the NXT invasion) to fighting to be as over in AEW as his woman.

Defeated soundly via hug by the Freshly-Squeezed GAWD some point in this timeline, Adam Page stomps him out in a Texas Death match in the Battle of the Adams.

Finds himself as the low-man in the 4-way for the IWGP strap at Forbidden Door. Gets pinned after getting hit with a regular move whilst concussed in a match that featured Okada and two of his friends/stable affiliates...

Speaking of stable affiliates, being concussed in the PPV match where he was pinned with a regular move caused him to miss so much time that the storyline he was working toward with his own mega-popular stable fizzled out. One member is now out of the company and the other's getting a neck fusion.

Tres Leches

Empire Business
May 6, 2012

That ship has sailed.

They both suck. What's your point?

Baby face world champs are boring name a good one in wwe or aew last three years ?