So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him..

Namekian Maranantha

Jul 6, 2014
Genesis 1:27

"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."

So what exactly does that mean? Is this to be construed as God being a bipedal humanoid creature that made us?

Here's my take on it, God creating us in his image would be more logical if we were created from the same stuff he was made of. The six most common elements humans are made of is carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus and calcium. What does that mean? Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe and that's what stars are made of. EVERY heavier element (oxygen, carbon, etc) is only made from the guts exploding stars. Every one. So does that mean we are the remnants of exploding stars, made in their image? Their composition? Is our God in heavens the sun?

What say you religious coli? To me it makes more sense why early 'religions' worshipped the sun. :ehh:

Not bad reasoning :ehh:

We are made in the image of God in the sense of our essential nature.

Somewhat In the same way the creation of a wave in an ocean, or a distant lake which likely has its orgins from a river, and it from an ocean. Though the lake be far off, its essetial components and characteristics are derrived from and are identical to its source - the ocean.

Also too...

In the same way when a master sculptor, sclups an image out of stone. Surely something of the person is represented there. That of his thoughts, motives, ideas and effort - all of these are represented on that stone sculpture. The sclupture doesnt stand alone, it is a direct replica of the 'energy' and characteristics of the sculptor.

So when we look at ourselves with our capacity to choose, to create, to possess intelligence, to realize we are nothin but condensed ether, which is inherently interconnected & absolutely dependant on every so-called "thing" throughout the universe to even be Self aware of this FACT - To me, It indeed gives us some kind of 'knowing' about the nature of that "first cause source of all existence." -- which we call GOD and our relation to "it."

the word 'GOD' <<<< :scusthov:


Nov 26, 2013
Not bad reasoning :ehh:

We are made in the image of God in the sense of our essential nature.

Somewhat In the same way the creation of a wave in an ocean, or a distant lake which likely has its orgins from a river, and it from an ocean. Though the lake be far off, its essetial components and characteristics are derrived from and are identical to its source - the ocean.

Also too...

In the same way when a master sculptor, sclups an image out of stone. Surely something of the person is represented there. That of his thoughts, motives, ideas and effort - all of these are represented on that stone sculpture. The sclupture doesnt stand alone, it is a direct replica of the 'energy' and characteristics of the sculptor.

So when we look at ourselves with our capacity to choose, to create, to possess intelligence, to realize we are nothin but condensed ether, which is inherently interconnected & absolutely dependant on every so-called "thing" throughout the universe to even be Self aware of this FACT - To me, It indeed gives us some kind of 'knowing' about the nature of that "first cause source of all existence." -- which we call GOD and our relation to "it."

the word 'GOD' <<<< :scusthov:
:gladbron: can't wait to see the response to this.

Hawaiian Punch

Apr 30, 2012
The I in Team
Not bad reasoning :ehh:

We are made in the image of God in the sense of our essential nature.

Somewhat In the same way the creation of a wave in an ocean, or a distant lake which likely has its orgins from a river, and it from an ocean. Though the lake be far off, its essetial components and characteristics are derrived from and are identical to its source - the ocean.

That's it. We are like the distant river that originated from the ocean. But here's the key difference, we originate from light.

I'm fascinated how the beginning and end of life start with light. Going into the tunnel of light, or going out. Or the beings of light that take you. Why is that. Even in the bible

John 8:12
Then spoke Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.

I say we are the image of that, a reflection of Stars. What's the difference between them and us? That they emit light? :heh: So do we!


At the purest form of light it's Gamma. Along the way it loses energy and becomes what the sun gives off, visible. Then more energy lost and becomes what WE give off, infrared.


Light beings. Dark beings. Matter in light, Dark matter... It is written in the heavens.

Stars and us, both emit light and made of the remnants of their ashes :wow:


Nov 26, 2013
That's it. We are like the distant river that originated from the ocean. But here's the key difference, we originate from light.

I'm fascinated how the beginning and end of life start with light. Going into the tunnel of light, or going out. Or the beings of light that take you. Why is that. Even in the bible

John 8:12


I say we are the image of that, a reflection of Stars. What's the difference between them and us? That they emit light? :heh: So do we!


At the purest form of light it's Gamma. Along the way it loses energy and becomes what the sun gives off, visible. Then more energy lost and becomes what WE give off, infrared.


Light beings. Dark beings. Matter in light, Dark matter... It is written in the heavens.

Stars and us, both emit light and made of the remnants of their ashes :wow:


Gul DuCat
Jul 14, 2012
Dog Shooting Squad Of Islamabad
I look at the Heavens and realize it was God who created it all. I look at the stars, moons, galaxies and what have you and am aware that being here in this place at this time is awe inspiring. I'm aware of a couple other theories that exist regarding the universe but none of them can be tested and they don't deal with what we have on our plate already which is our universe and its fine tuning. I look at how fine tuned this universe is for human life. I look at Intelligent Design and others look at creationism (even though it doesn't address the fine tuning necessary for human life).

Yes, only 99.99999999999999% of this universe will kill human life instantly, but somehow its "fine tuned" :heh:


Gul DuCat
Jul 14, 2012
Dog Shooting Squad Of Islamabad
But yet here we are....

ya existing in the one spot where life can exist. that's exactly what anyone with half a brain would expect. and life really only exists on a small layer of the earth. 99.99% of the mass on Earth isn't alive. so in reality life as we know it, is only a very small fraction of the universe. yet somehow its fine tuned for it. :heh:


Believer in Jesus
May 19, 2012
ya existing in the one spot where life can exist. that's exactly what anyone with half a brain would expect. and life really only exists on a small layer of the earth. 99.99% of the mass on Earth isn't alive. so in reality life as we know it, is only a very small fraction of the universe. yet somehow its fine tuned for it. :heh:

The problem is there is no reason why the universe decided to happen to stumble on the exact spot where life can exist. Scientists have already admitted it. The universe doesn't owe us a thing but people say it should have to support life. No it doesn't. This ain't the lottery. Someone doesn't have to hit. Its much more than that.


Gul DuCat
Jul 14, 2012
Dog Shooting Squad Of Islamabad
The problem is there is no reason why the universe decided to happen to stumble on the exact spot where life can exist. Scientists have already admitted it. The universe doesn't owe us a thing but people say it should have to support life. No it doesn't. This ain't the lottery. Someone doesn't have to hit. Its much more than that.

life is much more than bronze age books of myths written by primitive men who knew nothing of the workings of the universe too. but you won't acknowledge that.


Believer in Jesus
May 19, 2012
life is much more than bronze age books of myths written by primitive men who knew nothing of the workings of the universe too. but you won't acknowledge that.

Life is much more but the truth is still truth. One of the earliest accounts of the earth being a sphere sitting on nothing was in the Book of Job, Paul in the Book of Acts was the first to correctly predict the wind and water currents which others didn't get correct for hundreds of years. I know some say its ancient stuff but if its right its still right despite how long ago its written.


Gul DuCat
Jul 14, 2012
Dog Shooting Squad Of Islamabad
Life is much more but the truth is still truth. One of the earliest accounts of the earth being a sphere sitting on nothing was in the Book of Job, Paul in the Book of Acts was the first to correctly predict the wind and water currents which others didn't get correct for hundreds of years. I know some say its ancient stuff but if its right its still right despite how long ago its written.

:laff: :laff: breh, no it doesn't. no one learned anything from those verses. only later after, currents were discovered did anyone realize to compare it to a bible verse. you know why? because that verse doesn't tell you shyt.

The bible has been proven wrong about a great number of things, not the least of which is its central idea: that a man rose from the dead. We know this is impossible. The bible makes a magnificent glory about such an event’s impossibility: otherwise, why would god be required? The problem is that there’s no evidence that it occurred. The same can be said for walking on water, living in the belly of a fish, staffs turning into snakes, people turning into pillars of salt, etc. This is not even mentioning ‘prophecies‘ like the city of Tyre never being rebuilt (Ezekiel 26:14…Tyre is still around to this day) or a global flood (which was completely missed in the historical records of civilizations like Egypt’s Sixth Dynasty, which should have been destroyed. What a hearty bunch they must have been…).


Nov 26, 2013
The problem is there is no reason why the universe decided to happen to stumble on the exact spot where life can exist. Scientists have already admitted it. The universe doesn't owe us a thing but people say it should have to support life. No it doesn't. This ain't the lottery. Someone doesn't have to hit. Its much more than that.
I don't think you understand the lottery


Believer in Jesus
May 19, 2012
:laff: :laff: breh, no it doesn't. no one learned anything from those verses. only later after, currents were discovered did anyone realize to compare it to a bible verse. you know why? because that verse doesn't tell you shyt.

The bible has been proven wrong about a great number of things, not the least of which is its central idea: that a man rose from the dead. We know this is impossible. The bible makes a magnificent glory about such an event’s impossibility: otherwise, why would god be required? The problem is that there’s no evidence that it occurred. The same can be said for walking on water, living in the belly of a fish, staffs turning into snakes, people turning into pillars of salt, etc. This is not even mentioning ‘prophecies‘ like the city of Tyre never being rebuilt (Ezekiel 26:14…Tyre is still around to this day) or a global flood (which was completely missed in the historical records of civilizations like Egypt’s Sixth Dynasty, which should have been destroyed. What a hearty bunch they must have been…).

For centuries people thought the earth was flat. It is not and the O.T. attested to that fact. One question I love to ask is if the roman soldiers said they were sleeping how did they know what happened? People seen Jesus after his crucifixion and it was documented. It is required as God doesn't let sin slide or sweep it under a rug.

Ancient Egyptian writings confirm things written about in the Bible. Sobekneferu is thought to be the foster mother of Moses. Mentuhotep is thought to be the Egyptian name of Joesph. Neferhotep I was NOT succeeded by his son but by his brother Sobkhotpe IV who happened to suddenly leave the throne. Neferhotep I mummy and a large portion of his army are still missing to this day. Also military gear has been found at the bottom of the Red Sea.

To this day nothing found historically has disproves anything in the Bible. Even on the land where Sodom and Gomorrah were nothing grows on it to this day. Even better is the 3rd Temple will be announced soon which will be even further proof in my opinion as when it was written the 2nd Temple was still standing. How could it be written about a new one being built when the current one stands? Prophecy must be fulfilled. Polystrate Fossils found in the same layer of coal seams worldwide is one of the best evidence of a global flood.

Tyre is still standing and the Bible also says Damascus will be destroyed. The way things are starting to look in Syria that may happen soon. There are things that still must be fulfilled and they will be soon.


Gul DuCat
Jul 14, 2012
Dog Shooting Squad Of Islamabad
For centuries people thought the earth was flat. It is not and the O.T. attested to that fact. One question I love to ask is if the roman soldiers said they were sleeping how did they know what happened? People seen Jesus after his crucifixion and it was documented. It is required as God doesn't let sin slide or sweep it under a rug.

Ancient Egyptian writings confirm things written about in the Bible. Sobekneferu is thought to be the foster mother of Moses. Mentuhotep is thought to be the Egyptian name of Joesph. Neferhotep I was NOT succeeded by his son but by his brother Sobkhotpe IV who happened to suddenly leave the throne. Neferhotep I mummy and a large portion of his army are still missing to this day. Also military gear has been found at the bottom of the Red Sea.

To this day nothing found historically has disproves anything in the Bible. Even on the land where Sodom and Gomorrah were nothing grows on it to this day. Even better is the 3rd Temple will be announced soon which will be even further proof in my opinion as when it was written the 2nd Temple was still standing. How could it be written about a new one being built when the current one stands? Prophecy must be fulfilled. Polystrate Fossils found in the same layer of coal seams worldwide is one of the best evidence of a global flood.

Tyre is still standing and the Bible also says Damascus will be destroyed. The way things are starting to look in Syria that may happen soon. There are things that still must be fulfilled and they will be soon.

theres plenty of things that have been disproven in the bible, but whatever. do you breh :heh:


Believer in Jesus
May 19, 2012
I don't think you understand the lottery

The difference I make with regard to the lottery is people play because someone will win. The universe existing would be a different lottery where a billion billion red ping pong balls and one yellow one were shuffled up and if you pick a red one you would be shot (i.e. the universe would not support life) and you get the yellow one. People seem like it should be expected to get the yellow one while Physicists are like this is rigged.