So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him..


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
This is pretty much my take on it and the theory I prescribe to most, hence why I'm such a fan of Paul Tillich..

When people talk of God, they talk of him as if he/she ..whatever is a being itself..but i personally don't believe that. I believe God is seperate from "a being". God IS being, itself..

I like Paul Tillichs "God Above God" theory

"Existence” is a most unrefined alternative to the word “being,” because it omits the potentialities of existence which we usually call the essences of things. And they have being, too; they are the power of being, which may become beings. For instance, even if suddenly a scourge should cause all trees to disappear, the tree, or the power of becoming a tree, would still be there; and given the right conditions, living trees might come into existence again. Here you have a clear differentiation between essence and existence, which are two types of being. And then there is of course that being which is beyond essence and existence, which, in the tradition of the classical theology of all centuries, we call God – or, if you prefer, “being itself” or “ground of being.” And this “being” does not merely exist and is not merely essential but transcends that differentiation, which otherwise belongs to everything finite"

Esau is the reason why the entire world has fallen into deception. Paul Tilich is nothing but another Edomite devil with a theory.


Jul 22, 2014
There are only a few people on the planet that will understand the Bible and its mysteries. It is a sealed book, meaning that only the Most High God can open up to whoever he chooses. If someone don't understand it, it is because he is not chosen.

Are you one of the few people on the planet who understand the Bible and its mysteries @Marvel ?


Believer in Jesus
May 19, 2012
Genesis 1:27

"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."

So what exactly does that mean? Is this to be construed as God being a bipedal humanoid creature that made us?

Here's my take on it, God creating us in his image would be more logical if we were created from the same stuff he was made of. The six most common elements humans are made of is carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus and calcium. What does that mean? Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe and that's what stars are made of. EVERY heavier element (oxygen, carbon, etc) is only made from the guts exploding stars. Every one. So does that mean we are the remnants of exploding stars, made in their image? Their composition? Is our God in heavens the sun?

What say you religious coli? To me it makes more sense why early 'religions' worshipped the sun. :ehh:

God created us in His own image. As we are free willed human beings. We have the ability to rationalize, discern, evaluate and assess. We also have certain inherent attributes written on us. We place value on each others life. I try to love the person but hate the sin because as we are made in His image then to despise someone would be to despise God in my opinion.

If God existed before the big bang how could we be made up of the same stuff? Space, time and matter did not exist before the big bang.

Hawaiian Punch

Apr 30, 2012
The I in Team

I enjoyed your response to my post. I do concede I left out earlier parts of genesis. Here is how I would interpret it with the knowledge I have gained of the heavens.

Genesis 1
26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness

Indeed they did. The iron found in our blood, or iron in the entire solar system, can ONLY be produced by a type 1a supernova (exploding white dwarf). All the other heavy elements (oxygen, carbon, calcium, etc) can only be created by explosions of stars 30 times more massive than our sun. That means that we were created by multiple star explosions, in their image. Just like stars humans produce light, only ours is in the form of infrared. :youngsabo:

Genesis 2
7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

Yes we were literally formed from the dust fragments of stellar explosions. Along with the earth, other planets and out glorious sun :blessed:

Genesis 5
2 Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.

Called their name Adam. Sounds similar similar to atom, quite a coincidence since that is what we are composed of. Trillions of atoms, which are the remnants of long dead stars. Oddly enough atom is from the Greek word atmos, which means which means uncuttable, or indivisible, something that cannot be divided further.

The other parts beyond that are trivial. My God is the heavens, the stars, the earth, space and time. He did create me in his image and the atoms I am made of are the reflections of that. I will not subscribe to the ignorant limitations set by man on the infinite greatness of God.

Hawaiian Punch

Apr 30, 2012
The I in Team
God created us in His own image. As we are free willed human beings. We have the ability to rationalize, discern, evaluate and assess. We also have certain inherent attributes written on us. We place value on each others life. I try to love the person but hate the sin because as we are made in His image then to despise someone would be to despise God in my opinion.

If God existed before the big bang how could we be made up of the same stuff? Space, time and matter did not exist before the big bang.

The Big Bang is just a point at which current physics breaks down. Theories exist that our expanding universe could contract down to that point again, and expand and contract for infinity. Or the bang was the explosions between parallel universes touching each other. The language of God is written in the heavens, not some fukking book that king James decided to edit. The more we read the true writing of God in the heavens the more we realize how insanely infinite it all is.

How can you not be amazed by this? To look at the heavens and see that the points of light are suns trillions of miles away. And they are made of the exact same stuff you are. And in their death more life and more materials for life are created. Sometimes I stare at the sky and want to cry at how amazing that is. That it is all connected. That we are all connected. Incredible.


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla

I enjoyed your response to my post. I do concede I left out earlier parts of genesis. Here is how I would interpret it with the knowledge I have gained of the heavens.

Indeed they did. The iron found in our blood, or iron in the entire solar system, can ONLY be produced by a type 1a supernova (exploding white dwarf). All the other heavy elements (oxygen, carbon, calcium, etc) can only be created by explosions of stars 30 times more massive than our sun. That means that we were created by multiple star explosions, in their image. Just like stars humans produce light, only ours is in the form of infrared. :youngsabo:

Yes we were literally formed from the dust fragments of stellar explosions. Along with the earth, other planets and out glorious sun :blessed:

Called their name Adam. Sounds similar similar to atom, quite a coincidence since that is what we are composed of. Trillions of atoms, which are the remnants of long dead stars. Oddly enough atom is from the Greek word atmos, which means which means uncuttable, or indivisible, something that cannot be divided further.

The other parts beyond that are trivial. My God is the heavens, the stars, the earth, space and time. He did create me in his image and the atoms I am made of are the reflections of that. I will not subscribe to the ignorant limitations set by man on the infinite greatness of God.

Deuteronomy 4
9 And lest thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven, and when thou seest the sun, and the moon, and the stars, even all the host of heaven, shouldest be driven to worship them, and serve them, which the Lord thy God hath divided unto all nations under the whole heaven.

The creator is to be worshiped not the creations. If you are not a descendant of Jacob, then feel free to worship his creations until the end of this current world.


Believer in Jesus
May 19, 2012
The Big Bang is just a point at which current physics breaks down. Theories exist that our expanding universe could contract down to that point again, and expand and contract for infinity. Or the bang was the explosions between parallel universes touching each other. The language of God is written in the heavens, not some fukking book that king James decided to edit. The more we read the true writing of God in the heavens the more we realize how insanely infinite it all is.

How can you not be amazed by this? To look at the heavens and see that the points of light are suns trillions of miles away. And they are made of the exact same stuff you are. And in their death more life and more materials for life are created. Sometimes I stare at the sky and want to cry at how amazing that is. That it is all connected. That we are all connected. Incredible.

I look at the Heavens and realize it was God who created it all. I look at the stars, moons, galaxies and what have you and am aware that being here in this place at this time is awe inspiring. I'm aware of a couple other theories that exist regarding the universe but none of them can be tested and they don't deal with what we have on our plate already which is our universe and its fine tuning. I look at how fine tuned this universe is for human life. I look at Intelligent Design and others look at creationism (even though it doesn't address the fine tuning necessary for human life).

Hawaiian Punch

Apr 30, 2012
The I in Team
I look at the Heavens and realize it was God who created it all. I look at the stars, moons, galaxies and what have you and am aware that being here in this place at this time is awe inspiring. I'm aware of a couple other theories that exist regarding the universe but none of them can be tested and they don't deal with what we have on our plate already which is our universe and its fine tuning. I look at how fine tuned this universe is for human life. I look at Intelligent Design and others look at creationism (even though it doesn't address the fine tuning necessary for human life).

The earth is fined tuned for human life, not the universe. The amazing thing about life is that it always adapts to the conditions around it. That's why Everytime we set a limit to where life can exist we are proven wrong. As far as theories around Big Bang just because they can't be tested now does not mean we will not be able to. In our lifetime thus far we were able to test black holes, quasars, see the early universe and find a thousand planets. Exciting times indeed.

Hawaiian Punch

Apr 30, 2012
The I in Team
The creator is to be worshiped not the creations. If you are not a descendant of Jacob, then feel free to worship his creations until the end of this current world.

I'm worshiping his image in the all that he encompasses. Worshipping infinity should never be confined to a single point breh.

I do descend from Jacob, which is why I named my son that. Just sayin..


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
From many hours of study?

I study at around 7 hours a day on average right now. During the work week about 5-6 hours. No :duck:...I don't always read, I have an audio bible as well and I learn from watching some videos from Elders that have known the truth for decades. On high holy days when I am not doing my business I study more. It might sound like a lot of hours but its not. I just try and utilize every idol hour while I am awake to get things done, whether its learning or working. I still have me time which is good because that is when you see growth, kind of like going to the gym and seeing gains when you rest well...its the same way with the Word. Studying the Bible is not like reading a novel, its like putting together millions pieces of an extremely enormous multi-dimensional puzzle, the more you work on it, the clearer the picture gets.

Isaiah 28
10 For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little

Each precept and line is like a puzzle piece, that is how you are supposed to study.


Believer in Jesus
May 19, 2012
The earth is fined tuned for life, not the universe. The amazing thing about life is that it always adapts to the conditions around it. That's why Everytime we set a limit to where life can exist we are proven wrong. As far as theories around Big Bang just because they can't be tested now does not mean we will not be able to. In our lifetime thus far we were able to test black holes, quasars, see the early universe and find a thousand planets. Exciting times indeed.

The universe is fined tuned. If the gravitational constant (which is still around today) changed during the big bang by 1 in 10^60 parts we would not be here today. One direction the universe would have collapsed back on itself and the other way nothing would have formed.

If the expansion rate of the universe changed by 1 part in 10^120 parts the universe would be life prohibiting.

If the mass and energy of the universe were not such evenly divided and changed by 1 part in 10^10^123 we wouldn't be here.

If any one of those were off we would not be here. I don't mean here right now I mean no life would exist in the universe ever.

Even Fred Hoyle said "A common sense interpretation of the facts suggests that a superintellect has monkeyed with physics....and that there are no blind forces worth speaking about in nature. The numbers one calculates from the facts seem to me so overwhelming as to put this conclusion almost beyond question"