He's a british citizen
What country are you a citizen of now?
He's a british citizen
What country are you a citizen of now?
@DrBanneker I was side eyeing your thread at first but I continued to read it and you had some pretty good info there. I really need to connect with expats in my age range because everyone I've spoken to thus far have been older and retirees. So they all advised me to wait until I retire so that I can have a stable flow of income. It's not bad advice but I want to break away sooner.
I have a meeting scheduled later this year in Ghana to meet with a group of AA expats to discuss their experience.
@Cynic and @LShedged where are you located? Do you have family there? What was the toughest part of expatriating for you?
@DrBanneker I was side eyeing your thread at first but I continued to read it and you had some pretty good info there. I really need to connect with expats in my age range because everyone I've spoken to thus far have been older and . So they all advised me to wait until I retire so that I can have a stable flow of income. It's not bad advice but
I have a meeting scheduled later this year in Ghana to meet with a group of AA expats to discuss their experience.
@Cynic and @LShedged where are you located? Do you have family there? What was the toughest part of expatriating for you?
I went first and 4 cousins followed me. Also, two friends came and brought a gang load of people. To be honest i don't know how many people are here from the group we are spread out a lot over Asia. But some cousins jumped backed. I should mention I wasn't as financially sound when they decided to jump back. At this moment in a much better position where i could set them up. A few friends have stayed.
The hardest part about Asia is you have to adapt to the way they do business. It's cutthroat and these people don't sleep. 9 to 5 doesn't exist! Chinese people stay in there lane, generally don't bother you. Reason being they are to busy getting paper. But if you adapt and then go into an area that doesn't work like that you will own it!
The language isn't that hard to learn, especially if your hungry to get your situation right. There are unlimited amounts of opportunity over here. Unlimited! China has 160 cities with over 1 million people.
The plan was never to stay but to go and find the best place as a jump off and then jump again like a tunnel to a few countries in Africa. I did check out a few I loved Kenya but I got lazy and have settled for this. I am more than content! It has worked out! I got lucky. That being said it isn't for everyone just like my cousins, but about two months ago next generation asked about coming through.
Would only consider Africa and some places in Latin America.
Caribbean is a strong no just because of hurricanes which will continue getting worse.
Just know Sahel Africa is having droughts for the same reason as the hurricane issue. It affects everywhere.
Ghana has some good people. What is your age range? What are you thinking about doing in Ghana?