So Disney really about to give us a white jasmine and white Aladdin

The G.O.D II

A ha ha
May 1, 2012
Good grief will what are you doing? It’s like ever since that scientenology movie with his kid got trashed dude has been like fukk it. Disney making live remakes of classics needs to stop too

Rhapscallion Démone

♊Dogset Emperor and Sociopathic Socialite ♊
Oct 9, 2015
tell you)
Guide by alafastanzio posted over a year ago

Aladdin: So here we were, early 1990's, and the Disney Renaissance was at its peek. The studios had produced two of the highest grossing animated films of all time and still were pushing on. However the team suffered a tragic loss with the death of lyricist Howard Ashman who surprisingly had had a large amount of creative input on the previous two films. (He named Ariel) It was even his idea to make the next Disney animated feature, Aladdin released on November 25, 1992. However, much to the disappointment of many, this would be the last picture to showcase a royal fairytale princess for the next impending 17 years, Princess Jasmine.

Jasmine is unique for a plethora of reasons. One being the fact that she is the only princess of the Disney Lineup whom the story does NOT revolve around. Not surprisingly, this lends to the fact that researching her is slightly more difficult without deviating into the design of the other characters.

Jasmine is also the first princess of any ethnicity. Keeping in mind that this film was released pre-September 11th, (not to say 9-11 affected the way we view these characters today) but unlike the upcoming princess Tianain The Princess and the Frog, racial sensitivity and political correctness was surprisingly not as touchy an issue in the creation of a Muslimprincess.

illustration of Badroulbadour

In fact, in the book 1001 Arabian Nightsthe story of Aladdin (and subsequently the princess) was Asian. However Aladdin was most likely not originally apart of the stories dating back to about 1000 A.D., but was added to the compilation by Antoine Galland, a French author/translator, who published the books in 12 volumes between 1704 and 1717.

While the Disney version underwent many contemporary changes, the princess’s predicament of being pressured to find a suitor remained relatively the same. However, originally the princess's name was Badroulbadour and was very vain and spoiled.

Jasmine Guy

Obviously, Disney writers decided to change this personality flaw along with her name to something more 'relatable'. It turns out Jasmine was their first choice as it was among the most popular girl names in the early 90's largely due to actress Jasmine Guy. Although some early sketches were based from some of her features, her look came off as too severe.

Beth Allen

Yet another unique detail about Jasmine is the fact that her final look was not based after any particular celebrity. Mark Hennwho has been partially responsible for the design of every disney princess since Ariel, turned to a number of exotic models to base Jasmine off of but ultimately was dissatisfied. He describes having seen a guest at Disney World with long black hair and knew he wanted that feature but was having difficulty finding a face for the princess. Eventually Henn looked in his wallet to find a high school graduation photo of his younger sister Beth Allen. He did a concept sketch based off of her which the directors liked and ended up approving.

Jasmine vs Taj Mahal and Arabian text

In a similar spirit that incorporated the angular look of medieval tapestries into Sleeping Beauty, Art Director, Bill Perkins wanted to incorporate the look of Arabian text and architecture into Aladdin. Once such place to compare with Jasmine is the Taj Mahal. Although, NOT Arabian but Indian, the Taj Mahal is located in the city of Agra which is arguably the inspiration for the fictional city Agrabah. At closer inspection of Jasmine you may notice similar arches and curves in her clothes, jewelry, hair and features.

early sketches of Jasmine vs Aladdin

With the finalized look of princess Jasmine being whole-heartedly approved, the directors faced a problem. Aladdin had been developed to be a young, scrawny underdog of a character. However Jeffrey Katzenberg, Disney's then Chairman, believed the romantic chemistry between the two characters would be 'unconvincing' (that the princess would never find him attractive). So, at the last minute, animators were told to make Aladdin older and resemble Tom Cruise. Therefor in this case, Jasmine’s design influenced that look of the hero.

Disney Princess Article: Creating Jasmine (stuff they don't tell you)


Aug 6, 2015
Didn't they get criticism for hiring white extras with spray tans to act in the background

They could have just hired some black and arab extras


Extensive Enterprises
Aug 29, 2018
Elizabeth, NJ by way of East Orange
I wonder if they were going for a Thief of Baghdad vibe
