I think we should all take this time to remember Billy by posting a screenshot of that moment when Billy popped up in your PMs and weirded you out with his best e thug impersonation.
I'll go first...
After posting the time stamp pic showing him that he looked silly and foolish following me around calling me white.
Im not a fighter. So im hitting theWhat would you do if Luken escapes from prison and pulls up at your crib wearing the "Roach Stompers 1200s"?![]()
Im not a fighter. So im hitting theand telling him it was just jokes and dap fishing and i believe in his lambo collection and 82K paychecks and pls dont fold me up
alive and well
Funny how this post went ignoredLOL. Wait....Let me get this straight....You don't care that a 'so called' c00n who Billy was putting work in on this messageboard, videotapped himself at Billys house and threatened to beat ya boys ass and murder him and Billy, with all that online tough talk he was doing for years, ducked and hid and was scared to come outside his own house when the 'so called' c00n was knocking on his door, forcing Billy to disappear from the site due to the embarrassment of everyone seeing his skirt get pulled up??
His years of e thugging and pump faking trumps all of that according to you huh?
So basically you like fantasy over reality. Hey whatever works for you.![]()
Unleashed the pitbulls on his assWhat would you do if Luken escapes from prison and pulls up at your crib wearing the "Roach Stompers 1200s"?![]()
Again, this is the dude whose every word y'all were lapping up just out of hatred for Billy. Coli gotta get some standards and some sense of nuance
He might have committed that![]()
No, you got wrong.
I already acknowledged ol boy was a "so called" c00n right in this thread. That's what made Billy ducking and hiding look so bad. A fukking "so called" c00n is at your door taunting you in your safe space. Billy was supposed to hurt that man. Not only was he supposed to hurt that man, Billy was supposed to fulfill all that e thugging we saw for years on The Coli and give all of us a show. We were supposed to see video footage of Billy beating jelly beans out of that "so called" c00n like a piñata. We were supposed to cheer and congratulate Billy as the so called c00n lay in a pool of blood spitting out his teeth. Billy would have gotten arrested for assault and attempted murder and we as a Coli community would have created a gofundme for his bail and lawyer fees. If Ruger would have proceeded with the charges we would have pushed for the mods to ban him for being a snitch on top of being a c00n while Billy would have walked into the sunset, a hero who really went there for the cause.
But that never happened...Instead the super E thug went ghost after getting his ho card pulled from a so called c00n. You said we gotta get some standards and some sense of nuance but Billy was supposed to be 80's Mike Tyson and we watched him duck and hide from Jesse Lee Peterson. How are we supposed to react after watching Jesse Lee Peterson make 80's Mike Tyson look like a big p*ssy?