Countdown to Armageddon
All they really had to do was have Becky and Charlotte mostly take turns going at Carmela and avoid fighting each other, maybe even have Charlotte save Becky from harm at some point to drive home her loyalty. Then after Carmela used some foreign object to cheat, have Becky get fed up and go grab a chair, slide into the ring. Both Mela and Charlotte and recovering on the ground. Becky walks over to Mela, pauses a sec, then just slides her of the ring w her foot and instead turns around and starts wailing on her best friend Charlotte with the chair. 10, 12 chair shots, spit on her, etc.You know there won't be a double turn. Becky is a heel for the foreseeable future. She already shyt on the fans. If they let her do some truly diabolical and ultra violent shyt they have a chance. They went all out (initially) to get Austin over. They need to do that for Becky. Some bytches will have to bleed for that.
Fans would have gotten the idea and gotten behind it much better than this dumb Hogan routine that makes no sense