Star Wars fanboys

Look, can we take off the nostalgia goggles and be honest here?
Star Wars is not that damn great.
It was designed to be mass-marketed, and to sell toys. It uses timeless mythological archetypes (The Hero, The Mentor, The Shadow "Evil", ect) because those stories and characters are already part of our collective cultural consciousness, and easy to tell. I mean Im sure when it first came out it was considered groundbreaking and "new." But these days when we get a "Space Movie" coming out every other weekend and science fiction being a reasonably popular genre now, it just doesn't hold up imo.
Personally, Im not really interested in the new Star Wars because :
a) Im not really a fan of the franchise in general (because it basically a soap opera in space, you know its true)
b) the last 3 films were shyt (even I can admit the first 3 were at least
c) its directed by JJ Abrams aka the fukker whose ruining the Star Trek franchise (yes Im a trekkie

black 'diverse special snowflakes' always come off like they have something to prove. Anytime any black person dislikes or is indifferent towards something considered "white" or non-black. It can never be seen as a valid "oh it's just no their cup of tea " type thing. Its always "HA! Typical no taste having nikkas. Bet you only listen to cRap music, and watch reality shows, so uncultured unlike ME!" Like man, STFU.