R.E.M. is INFINITELY times cooler than some damn "star wars" ..n!gga is you crazy ?

You sound stupid.
You c00ns always make things about race cus yall know yall wrong for feeling the way yall do

Dude who I ethered attacked Blacks, when all I said was I don't watch Star Wars, and you're defending it

I'd smack da sh!t outchu smh
No, it is NOT nikka.
NObody wants to be Michael stipe nikka.
People wanna be a wookie, to luke Skywalker fool.
People would gladly be a hairy ass inaudible wookie prince like chewbacca with a utility belt, warp drive know how and a space crossbow =coolest weapon for a star wars character figurine all time.
Than to fukk'n look like hepatitis a through the alphabet Michael stipe.
Nobody is wishing to be Michael stipe breh.
Yup, like i said,...never trust nobody who does not like star wars.
Especially women, never trust no female dissing star wars, ever.
Like if a female does not like star wars...
Like how does she authenicate she is socially cool.
If she never liked star wars that means she never socially once was cool with boys as a kid.
Like she never played star wars house with Leia and Han with some boy.
She does not even have any verbal social skills that work well with men.
She is not to be trusted and socially, she has no tools to relate to a man.
She can't cause she just dissed the universal gateway females in our Gen authenticated they were cool.
If she never had no Leia and don't know Leia.
Ol girl is smash and dash territory.
Like you can't even Netflix and chill with her because it is destined to fail from a relationship committal base from her not liking star wars.
So, all you can do is smash and grab.
Art Barr