interesting anecdote. I'll address...
First, with the faith-healings. This is from
"Although it is known that a small percentage of people with cancer experience remissions of their disease that cannot be explained, available scientific evidence does not support claims that faith healing can actually cure physical ailments. When a person believes strongly that a healer can create a cure, a placebo effect can occur. The placebo effect can make the person feel better, but it has not been found to induce remission or improve chance of survival from cancer. The patient usually credits the improvement in how he or she feels to the healer, even though the perceived improvement occurs because of the patients belief in the treatment. Taking part in faith healing can evoke the power of suggestion and affirm ones faith in a higher power, which may help promote peace of mind. This may help some people cope more effectively with their illness.
One review published in 1998 looked at 172 cases of deaths among children treated by faith healing instead of conventional methods. These researchers estimated that if conventional treatment had been given, the survival rate for most of these children would have been more than 90 percent, with the remainder of the children also having a good chance of survival. A more recent study found that more than 200 children had died of treatable illnesses in the United States over the past thirty years because their parents relied on spiritual healing rather than conventional medical treatment..."
Derren Brown - Miracles for Sale - YouTube
this exposes faith healing. The fact of the matter is things that have been claimed to be healed through faith or by god are 100% of the time ambiguous. Things that the person may not have had (blindness) or things that have been known to fix by themselves like cancer occasionally (the body does have mechanisms to fix itself). Never is an unambiguous healing claimed. God and faith healers never fix an amputee. You will never go to a faith healer and see them regrow a leg back, which would be no problem for a supernatural all powerful god, yet it doesnt happen. Ever.
As for the car incident, its likely that you were
hallucinating. Its not uncommon at all. Another issue with anecdotal evidence is that it typically revolves around you and ignores anecdotal evidence to the contrary. For example
Man Dies After Being Struck by Car on Goose Island - DNAinfo.com Chicago if your story is evidence FOR god, this story is evidence against god. Which is the more likely event, god knowing you were going to be crossing the street and step right in front of a car well before it actually happened, waited until the last possible second to yank you back instead of just making sure you saw the car, or making you wait to go to the store for ummmm 5 more seconds; AND simply watches as the man in my link is struck by the Hyundai and killed with no intervention at all...
there was no god, and your
reflexes allowed you to avoid the car, where his reflexes did not. This is also an example of natural selection, where your car dodging ability allows you to pass on those genes to the population where the other poor chap cannot.
As for me, I did not choose to be an atheist. I was raised in the church for the 1st 18 years of my life, maybe a little longer since I came home from college and went to church then too... I believed in the bible and Jesus and all that. However, I am by nature skeptical of everything. At some point in my childhood I had questions that were never answered to my satisfaction in sunday school and church... like how come in the bible there's all this magic happening, but NONE now?
I had several Muslim friends growing up (still do), and my curiosity lead me to asking questions about what they believed. One of them was that Jesus was a prophet for Islam. This peaked my interest and I borrowed a Qu'ran from one of them and I searched for specific things because I didnt know exactly where to read. One was this Jesus (Isa) stuff. In it, Jesus denies that he ever says he was god, "Why would I say that which I had no right to say?" So, I went back to my bible and looked for a definitive "I am god" from Jesus... quite frankly its not in there. Only vague references that as I understood, any Christian should be able to say ie "If you have seen me you have seen the Father," and "I and the Father are one"... The way I saw it as a Christian, if I was living up to my duties then I should be able to say those same things. And if that was supposed to be the most important thing about Jesus, shouldnt he come out and say it?
It lead me to question everything I was ever taught (including non-religious stuff). Why would god set up a plan that appeared to be a shell game but have the greatest consequences... Thats basically where my investigation STARTS. Its too extensive to include into this post, but there's a lot of information out there that can help you to understand how religions have come about, evolved, how the bible came to be, how it evolved to what we see today, how the church was started and grew, and evolved, etc... a lot of it is eye opening.
The science stuff came last...