That is the great thing about faith breh if there was all this overwhelming evidence then it would not be about faith anymore now would it?
And speaking of evidence, researchers and historians agree that Jesus did live on this earth and he did die. But im not here to try argue historical correctness with you, I believe in God because i had a personal encounter with the lord that changed my life when i was younger and that is why i have faith... and thats why i believe.
And you are correct that i haven't studied much about the evolutionary process other than what they told me in high school but is it correct that evolution is still just theory right? I mean it cant be proven until its tested, and since nobody is living for a couple million years..
Long story short breh, theres not going to be evidence that i can just show you. Its something you have to encounter yourself with the Lord
I do appreciate the non judgmental convo were having tho
You are indeed correct, if there was evidence you wouldnt need faith. However, this extends to your anecdote, if you wouldnt mind divulging the details I am absolutely sure there is a natural explanation for it and certainly doesnt point to a "god of christianity". And I have no issues with you admitting the lack of evidence, that does not make up for the evidence against though.
The human brain is a powerful thing friend, not always reliable, but powerful.
I have read that historians agree a man named Jesus lived. Here's the great thing about history that is different from math and sciences... we all have the ability to do the leg work. It takes no special training, other than possibly the ability to read ancient languages, but with people translating there is no need for it. So while from what I have read, most historians agree a man named Jesus lived, they dont co-sign the notion that this rabbi did anything supernatural. And in the case of the prolific miracles written in the bible performed by Jesus, the absence of evidence is the evidence of absence. Hell, even in the bible another Jesus "Son of the Father" or something similar was crucified, which makes this Jesus story not even unique in the bible, and suggests that this whole thing was common place.
I dont know what they told you in HS, when I was in HS we hardly talked about it, but if thats what you got from your class, you either misunderstood the lesson or they taught it wrong, and I urge you to educate yourself with credible peer reviewed sources. If you like I can get them. As for scientific theory, you are mistaking the word "theory" to mean "unsupported idea" in science, everything is a theory. Gravity is a "theory," an accepted theory until better evidence comes along... until then objects that are dropped will fall, and the moon will bring in the tides. Evolution is an accepted fact, its the same reason there is a new flu vaccine every year, the flu virus evolves.
I ask that you scrutinize your beliefs, its the only way we have of separating truth from fiction. Right from wrong.
So if you dont mind, your anecdotal evidence... you can even PM it if you dont want it across the forum...