Hey Brehs I am looking for some help. I am trying to lose about 25 lbs I am doing muay thai three times a week. I want to hit the gym hard. Lack of energy is my prob. Any tips or boosters you guys can recommend.
What is your nutrition looking like?
Hey Brehs I am looking for some help. I am trying to lose about 25 lbs I am doing muay thai three times a week. I want to hit the gym hard. Lack of energy is my prob. Any tips or boosters you guys can recommend.
Honestly like shyt. I am trying to switch it up.What is your nutrition looking like?
Honestly like shyt. I am trying to switch it up.
Back on PHAT again
with only 2 classes, im gonna be able to do this right. The plan is to cut down normally for the next 2 months then @Spliff ive written up a plan to do UD2 starting mid July wish me luck...ive read most of the book but if you have any tips theyd be appreciated
being offered an interview with Chevron
tagged some ass ive wanted when i was fat
15 muscle ups
by the end of the summer its OVER.
My nikka.... a duckface?
Real spit: Good progress, brosephus. Will be following your progress, probably incorporating some ideas into my own personal routine.
Lmao I was wondering why I was tagged then someone mentioned the duck face lol
Good work mms get some incline chest in there and lower your calories to get that bf down
Hard hiit cardio 3 times a week with some ab circuits for six weeks you will look great
im holding water right now for sure
im actually very satisfied with my chest, i said it earlier that i was gonna start UD2, that officially begins
PRd on weighted dips chins @ 60lbs