Space is the Place
I liked the first one. Haven't read the others. It's called Wool. It was actually self published when it came out.R the books worth reading?
I liked the first one. Haven't read the others. It's called Wool. It was actually self published when it came out.R the books worth reading?
Y'all really liking Common's performance?![]()
Don't do it! Please, don't do it! Either read the books or be patient and wait foe season 2.I'm about to look for book spoilers because I want answers now.
Y'all really liking Common's performance?
He has zero range and his line reading is terrible at times. He's easily the weakest actor on the show which sucks given how big of a role he has.
Overall the show is good but I'm more intrigued by the mystery of what's going on than anything else. There's no one to root for I just want answers. I was rooting for Holston and once he was gone that was the end of any attachment. Juliette is just there to move things along. I don't really care about her.
I'm about to look for book spoilers because I want answers now.
did they ever show what happened to the dude that was trying to throw her off the stair case?
He's doing the best he can, okay?!
Don't do it! Please, don't do it! Either read the books or be patient and wait foe season 2.
Already read full spoilers for all the books
I'm not interested in this enough to wait 5 years or however much time it takes to finish the series and definitely don't want to read the books. I wanted answers now and got them.
What was it then? And I'm not talking about him dying
What do mean? You talking about Common's goon who tried to kill Juliette and then Common threw him off the balcony as well?
Just binged this, fun show, will check season 2, but question, how come she didn't colapse on the outside like the rest? or are the bodies part of the hologram too?