I’m so confused now that I’ve thought about this a little longer…what’s the point of creating that false impression that outside is lush and green only for those who ask out to see it?
so those inside the silo were actually getting a realistic look at what the outside world is like?
also what’s the point of lying to the entire silo—hiding books, knowledge of the outside world, etc…is it to keep morale up and not have the ppl lamenting over how the world used to look to keep them content with life in the silo? actually after seeing how ppl reacted during the pandemic, I think I kind of get this one…they could show folks what outside truly looks like and there will still be a large contingency of ppl who would probably still want to risk going outside
they are literally treating the denizens of the silo like children tho…the way he barked at them to close their eyes and cover their faces still has me cracking up…that’s how my pops used to act when we’d drive thru times square in the 80s