Ya that's fukked up. How was Tony tight with Ralph growing up? lol We need a thread on FEECH LAMATA and the lawn mower wars with PAULIE.
"Tony was part of an unofficial crew of young criminals consisting of Silvio Dante, Ralph Cifaretto and Jackie Aprile, Sr. Tony gained notoriety in the DiMeo crime family by robbing a card game run by Michele "Feech" La Manna along with Silvio and Jackie. From then on, he was on a fast track to becoming a made man."
Tony, Ralph, Jackie & Sil were like a lil crew. Ralph didn't rob the card joint because he caught chlamydia so his "career" didnt take off as fast as Tony & Jackie Jr. Then you have Richie Aprille who was Jackie's older brother.......who was probably already

people while his little brother & his friends were robbing little card games. That's why things were set up the way they were. Richie didn't respect Tony because he was his kid brother's friend. And Ralph took liberties with Tony that nobody else did because they were boys from back in the day. Its like your boy becoming your boss 20 years from now.