Talk No Jutsu
What's your solution to the volatile black woman?
Statiscally, your group commits domestic violence at a higher rate than any other other demographic of women.
The fact that black men also lead the way in this category is pretty jarring.
Honestly from what I can infer from the numbers?(factoring in crime, OOW births, poverty, ect)
If I was a member of the dominant society, African Americans are more trouble than they're worth and given that we can't control free thinking human beings, maybe they should be gotten rid of altogether?
How about you throw a few darts at the wall and give me your solution, and we can go from there.
Firstly, we can not grow as an community if we do not address issues such as mental illness, poverty, or dv because of you and you're ilk are afraid of what precious white man/status qou is going to think of us . Please try and remember that its our community, not theirs. what they think should not matter.
Secondly, I agree with @Tae - part of this may stem from our children and how they are being disciplined. and some of this
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