You're right. This is a byproduct of social media.
The average woman has at least 15 dudes in her inbox a week....the really attractive ones get at least 15 per day.
So that gives women more options than they've ever had before because there's more men bidding for their attention as opposed to before social media when dudes had to actually have the balls to cold approach a woman in person which a lot of cats were afraid to do, now you can just send a copy and paste line to a chic online and see if she bites....if not then the sting of rejection won't hurt as much.
To make a long story short,
the more bidders women have means the more scarcity the mindset men have therefore they try to tie down any woman that gives them action because they know the competition is fierce and she can easily go in her inbox to get a dude.
This doesn't apply to high value men tho...only to men that aren't considered high value which is 97% of the population.
The good thing is these hoes are looser than they've ever been