man, with this logic. it's really no wonder there's so many single mothers out there.
Your logic lacks the concept of personal accountability. At what point do people take accountability for their decisions?
man, with this logic. it's really no wonder there's so many single mothers out there.
it's funny, you never hear women say "if you can't see him being a father to your children, don't sleep with him"
which is much more applicable. funny how y'all still want men to be held financially accountable for children he didn't want.
Your logic lacks the concept of personal accountability. At what point do people take accountability for their decisions?
I wouldn't have sex with a man that I couldn't see being the father of my children.
I'll say this to the women. You will be the one who carries that baby for 9 months and have that special bond. All the nikka does is fukk and skeet. He doesn't get the back pains, morning sickness, cravings, doctors visits, time off work etc. So if you fukking nikkas and don't wanna get pregnant then please get on birth control because the sexual urges of a lot of people overtake their judgement. nikkas ain't thinking "Damn I wanna knock this chick up when they hit raw" They just thinking how good it's gonna feel to get in that monkey and bust one off. All logic slips the mind and the second head takes over.
i fully understand personal accountability, it's women like you who can't grasp it.
i read an article recently about 3 black men who have a combined total of over 100 kids. these women weren't lied to, they knew about the other baby mamas. but they still decided to procreate with these men. knowing they had absolutely NO means to support those off springs.
the guys have been in and out of jail for child support. the women, however, get taken care of by the government. so who's not being accountable?
let me ask you this, would you object to women being thrown in jail for having kids they can't support? i mean, it happens to men.
Can't support and willingly not support are two different things. I don't think ANYONE should have children they can't afford and I'm certainly not a fan of government assistance for sustaining your household.
that's you, what about the leagues of single mothers out there who did?
and nikkas wonder why im against government assistance. let their off spring starve in the cold streets.
i'll ask again, do you think women should be put in jail for having kids she can't afford.
yeah, and it'd cause women to seriously re-think the men they open their legs for as well, you left that out.
That will cause two dummies to reproduce then the idiot man can just sign a waiver and walk away like with zero consequences. While the idiot woman has to take care of the kid alone ( the single mothers you dislike.) Smart men will see it as chance to get out of taking care of a kid just incase an accident happens. Dumb men will see it as a chance to nut in any female they can and leave without getting chased for CS.
I don't think any parent should be jailed for being unable to provide financially for their children, but that doesn't mean I agree with people having children they can't afford. I don't agree with jail time being a consequence of men that don't pay their child support either. With that said, I don't think men should be able to opt out of parenthood either.
yeah, and it'd cause women to seriously re-think the men they open their legs for as well, you left that out.
why is it only women can opt out of parenting, and the responsibilities it entails?