just go date your pawgs and go move on with your life
opps my bad your a bitter ugly a$$ lonely a$$ no pucci getting black male who sits around on the internet blaming black women for all his failures in life
looknig through that coli picture i see why you guys on here stay mad, black,dark and ugly a$$ hell its obvious you dont have a girlfriend and the only action you get comes from your hand
niccas stay in lala land yet your relationships even with white women fail lmaoooo I live in england in see these fat @$$ white girls pushin their napy headed babies up and down the streets in carts
its hilarious every race of women you date yall niccas fail , lmaoooo thats why its universal when a female brings home a black man she thrown out on the street,called a whore/slut etc because yall niccas are fukking trash
thank god i got my white boy