Sharp, 'Off The Charts' Rise In Alcoholic Liver Disease Among Young Women


Jun 14, 2012
Underdeveloped Minds Research Institute
You can't really blame the promoters for poor decision making from legal adults..if a promoter dangles poisonous fruit in your face and you bite, well that's on you.:yeshrug:

Hyper modernity got these women messed up. They hated the seemingly subservient roles their mothers had, and got influenced by feminism to pursue equality with men and not become their mothers.
But seems their mothers won in the end..they have families and homes and typical old lady ailments and not severe kidney and liver disease :hhh:

Adults will be adults.

But, the promoters are being greedy by stacking events.

I only see our people being encouraged to turn up on Sunday nights, for example. Dragging themselves into work on Monday with partial hangovers.

There was a time when Sunday night was off limits for hard partying. As was Tuesday & Wednesday.

But greed has them stacking the calendar.


Mar 24, 2014
Adults will be adults.

But, the promoters are being greedy by stacking events.

I only see our people being encouraged to turn up on Sunday nights, for example. Dragging themselves into work on Monday with partial hangovers.

There was a time when Sunday night was off limits for hard partying. As was Tuesday & Wednesday.

But greed has them stacking the calendar.

Doesn't help that everyone is shallow, vane and in desperate need of clout from nobodies that don't matter in your life. So everyone feels this social media driven need to constantly be out profiling.

We can't raise the next generation remotely from the club:snoop:

Cloutius Maximus

with the aid of the Funk...
Aug 25, 2013
Altadena, California
What are the benefits of kraton and kava?

kratom can be used for pain relief, anxiety, depression, or recreationally. It's an opiod but not an opiate, in the same family as coffee. Comes in powder and capsule form, I buy the powder in bulk and toss and wash 3g (teaspoon and a half) with water (usually with apple cider vinegar)

white strains are fast, red strains are slow, green strains are in between. Golds are faster than reds but slower than greens. Yellows are faster than most greens and reds but slower than whites.

whites and greens are good for daytime productive stuff and socializing. Reds and golds are good for chilling at home or pain relief. You can blend strains too and mix it up.

Kava is an alcohol substitute and anxiolytic. Comes from pacific islands and usually comes as ground root or powder. Its used at night generally and you shouldnt drive on it. Its better for drinking alone than alc and you ca have the social aspect if you all drink from a big batch out of coconut shells. Helps with anxiety and sleep (you'll get the best sleep of your life off this shyt)

Kratom is generally cheaper than kava, which can get expensive. a kilo is about 70-90$ which should last at least a few months. Kratom IS an opioid, and it is habit forming so be careful. Take at least a few days a week off. You can get legit benefits if you suffer from depression, low energy, low mood, anxiety. Just dont over do it

Heres some good sources:
Kratom - Mitra man botanicals MitraMan Botanicals – Premium Botanicals (i'm enjoying the green hulu, white jong kong, red thai, and winter chill)

Herbal rva (search speciosa)

Bula Kava House Bula Kava House | Buy Kava | Kava Kava | Kava Root | Kava Powder

Get the instant kava if you dont feel like straining it in a bowl.

Hope that helped.

Side note: the DEA tried to make kratom schedule 1 but fell back when white folk weren't having it and pushed back. I look on kratom reddit/forums to see whats good out in the market and you got middle aged white women talmbout "this green rihanna strain is fire!:gladbron:So euphoric" these cacs gettin money off this shyt like dope. My plug in Seattle got a shipment coming from Indonesia this week
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Jun 22, 2014
I've seen hella women talk about how they dont get much sleep. Anxiety tends to keep you up at night (tons of thoughts running through your head about how unhappy you are about life/being afraid of your inevitable destiny/questioning if the path you're on was worth it/etc).

Funny enough all these women get psych degrees yet their mental health is the worst it's ever been in recorded history.
Majoring in psychology doesn't help insomnia breh.
Times done definitely changed. When I was younger chicks used to drink shyt like Malibu, Alize, margaritas and cranberry juice with little splashes of tequila. Now a lot of them drinking hard shyt like straight shots. One of my girl’s homegirl’s is a straight up alcoholic but you’d never know becuz she looks good and has a great job. She’s 40 and looks late 20s easy. And she’s a good person. But she has a real problem. At least a couple times a month I can hear my girl on the phone with her talking to her while she’s trying to get home drunk. Before the pandemic we went to a bar with her and she bought all the drinks. My girl got two but me and this other chick were going shot for shot of Honey Jack all night. I was determined not to let a woman drink me under the table but I had to tap out. I can’t even remember how many shots I had but I know the tab was like $400. Shorty my paid that tab with no fukks given and laughed at me. She’s had a rough decade too. Both parents have cancer. Her sons father used to beat her and put her in the hospital once. A couple of years ago she was in a relationship with this dude who she thought was some entrepreneur. Turned out he was some kingpin and she was in the crib with him when he got jammed up and she got arrested too. Even tho all charges against her were dropped. She lives alone and barely dates becuz she works so much. So she turns to that bottle for comfort
They were drinking shots then too. You just didn't chill with them :mjlol:


Let's go panthers
May 1, 2012
These women are miserable, and pretend to be having the time of their lives..
maaan the drinkin i used to see during "pre" before clubbing


and then more drinking at the club

and the more drinking at the after party link



Sep 17, 2014
Man, woman, and child
They were drinking shots then too. You just didn't chill with them :mjlol:
Oh I definitely knew chicks that were taking shots. But they were lightweights and it wasn’t that many. In my experience tho it seems like more chicks are drinking the hard shyt regularly these days compared to what was going on 15-20 years ago