thing 2014 it is really easy to generate your own wealth.
its all a mindset. You can teach yourself anything, and learn about anything almost for free. You dont need a college education.
People who are poor tend to not focus on growing their worth.
Rich people read more, spend more money on self education, and obsess about money.
Its only natural that the rich get richer...its because they have the knowledge to create more systems to make more money.
Its like being surprised people in a gym stay in shape, while the average person in this country is fat.
Also...the bottom is pretty high in this country.
The poor in 1940 lived a much different life than the poor in 2014.
stop it. the rich get richer not because of the reasons you mentioned. sure those play a role. but a very small role. and people need to understand that. and stop repeating what you said. because thats to some degree a semi lie.
the truth is, the rich get richer because they hoard the money.
lets make it real simple. no reason to pull out the charts and graphs.
white supremacy, says mostly whites can get in on it. that already excludes a lot of other folks right from the start, especially blacks who whites say They (blacks) cant get in on it.
So from the jump you just made it a tougher struggle then normal. a white guy has to hustle hard to make it pop. a black guy has to hustle at minimum 5 times as hard to make it pop. asking a normal human being to hustle 5 times as hard is unrealistic expectations. Which is why you will never see an entire country full of black people hustling 5 times as hard. you dont see a country full of anyone hustling that hard. So again its not realistic.
You push this along the timeline .and you have a situation where people of color "in general" are on the bottom and whites (in general) are on the top.
The only way that blacks/people of color can jump the negative stat is by entertaining whites. which will pay a premium for your services. This is a very small group of people. Only a small group of people are given the God given talent to be a star level entertainer.
So now that leaves the Elite's(doctors, lawyers, scientists, etc). Those guys are ELITE and were BORN highly intelligent. Thats not the majority of people anywhere in any group.
So where does that leave the average joe black guy? poorer then the average joe white guy. thats where.
If google had to hire and they had a choice, average programmer white guy, asian guy, black guy.
the black guy would be last chosen. unless they are hooking him up on some Catch up type affirmative action stuff.
So lets go back in time again for you. Did you know that slaves were being insured?
That means insurance companies were making money off of black people's backs, where blacks were not reaping the benefits at all. but at least some whites were on both ends. the slave owner and the insurance company.
Some of these companies still exist today. some probably fell off, while others renamed/re branded themselves into other insurance areas(which they were probably already in to begin with.)
See the game is colder then you think.
If you have people already profiting off of slave labor. while not giving much to slaves. then guess who's descendants will be set up to do better at life in America?
So now you have a setup where Whites are on top on average and blacks are on the bottom on average. people even without the cism usually hire family, friends, then people who look, talk like them. So that already excludes more black people from the top levels based on this very fact. now throw in the cism(an intentional setup to keep blacks out) and bam. you see your poor.
Dont ask about other nationalites and why some do better then blacks. they were not slaves here like we were. even natives got some land and some tax breaks, etc. I mean we paid the japanese folks for those camps.
Pretty much anyone coming from another country(especially across the water) that can make it to america is already an elite vs the average person in their country. is say this because its very expensive to catch a flight to this country. but even with that. we have so many treaties and things in place to assist foreigners. all you have to do is know where to go and you can be setup ready to go. When people talk about why do blacks on average look/do so poorly in america in comparison to those foreigners . they are not realizing here in america you see ALL of black people(the super smart, the some what smart, the average joes, the not so smart, the special needs, the lazy, the superstars, the criminals, the doctors, the lawyers, etc.) we dont see every TYPE of person of those other nationality. because only a few are here in comparison to their home country. go to these people's home country and show me the poorest of the poor and show me how they are doing better then blacks here. not true at all. which is why comparing them to blacks here is an apples to oranges debate at best.
People at the top had a starting point that got them to the top if they didnt already belong to a family that was already at the top.
example. my man from West Coast customs. Ryan F.
Founder and CEO of The World Famous West Coast Customs. Started WCC in 1993 with a $5000 loan from my grandfather and haven't looked back since then.
Now ask your average black guy thats tatted up if he has a grandfather that has $5000 to loan him?
This is not hate. this is reality. I like dude. i love the fact he achieve the "american dream" but that dream was only made for white people. some others have slipped into the cracks. but best believe it was never made for all and definitely not people of color.
Jay had to go the illegal route, slang D to get Rocafella off the ground. that was his $5000 loan.
But his producer Just blaze never sold d. didnt have to. moms held him down. because moms had the funds to do so. She is the one who bought him his first set of turntables. Turntables back in the 80's cost a lot of money. What if you were to broke to buy them and you didnt go the illegal route of Jay? then no tables for you. if no tables. No just blaze.
You see how this game works? even the elite needs a boost, a push, Bootstraps. you cant pull yourself up by something you dont have.