How is this an argument against trying? I'm not following it. We've already done the status quo since 1980 and keep pushing more and more to right economically. Where has it lead us, the common people? I see the wealthy are doing fine. Companies are making record profits. What about the working class and poor? Shafted.
So you're idea is to do more of the same?
Let's just be really honest here and say that lot of Social Democratic policies were implemented in the United States after 1933. The New Deal along with Government funded war production, social security, a fair worker-to-pay ratio, massive GI Bill for education and housing, high tax rates on the wealthy, regulations on banks, an economically liberal Republican party, a massive newly built (and government funded highway and airline system, investment in education at all levels, welfare and the list goes on. In that time period post 1933 the United States had unprecedented economic growth in almost every facet of society. All that really started being destroyed at a large scale in the 1980s.
And you're idea is to push more Reaganomics?
No Thanks.
None of this has anything to do with minimum wage.
You're talking about government work programs and investments...which I agree with.