This is just silly. My guess is, while you say you're an adult, you're probably between 18 to 23. You don't strike me as someone with any real life experience.
I employ one person who was homeless prior to asking for a job and now has a roof over his head. Thank you for informing me that my several dollars above the federal minimum wage isn't enough, friend. I employ another person who couldn't find a job anywhere else because of a non-violent felony a decade ago. I guess I should call it a day, however, since the infancy of my business cannot sustain an extra $40,000 in expenses for the year. You're also right that I don't deserve the money I make. Should I cap my earnings, since all of my employees could be easily replaced, while none of them could do what I do? Is there a maximum allowable amount I should make as a small business owner that thinks I have a "god given right to be banking money like a CEO"? (Hint... typically, if you own a small business, you're the CEO)
I buy truckloads of liquidated retail items for resale, auction off business assets, and do estate sales.
stop it. i'm a full grown man. worked all sorts of jobs. and what the guy said that you quoted was the truth. people go get degrees(we're not talking about doctors/lawyers/engineers/scientists we're talking people running around with a business degree, or marketing degree of some sort. most of those people do that for two reasons. #1"i aint about to be doing no back breaking work" aka "work smarter, not HARDER" #2 "i'm trying to get paid."
the #1 says it all. you grew up hearing stories about your parents/uncles, etc getting paid well perhaps or not. for doing manual labor jobs. they had back problems among other physical issues as they aged. so thats what they told you NOT to do. and you told yourself the same thing. the problem is, sure anyone can do a manual labor job WITH TRAINING. but i can say the same thing about 80% of all jobs. if the person is of AVERAGE intelligence. and they dont have a learning disability, they can do the job just as good as most college grads.
I know this because these same college grads dont do a great job at what they do and get paid well for now. they are just riding off the fact that the piece of paper says i spent a lot of money to be paid a lot of money. so me. why do you think these people have so many meetings all the time? you never have to meet THAT Much to say the same thing you've said 100 times. but thats to LOOK busy and also for those who have degrees that for whatever reason didnt get what was said at the previous 3 meetings. FUll grown men and women half listening at these meetings all the time. I know this for a fact.
So now.. you have a small business. and you have 2 or 3 or 4 employees you are paying $10 too. and lets say thats below the poverty level. that means thatif you cant afford to pay them more. you need to cut head count. and thats ok. it means you cant grow your business YET. it means the moment you THOUGHT you could grow your business was actually a bit to soon.
you dont have the income to pull that off. this happens a lot. people try to hurry up and grow their business on the backs of cheap labor. what you are doing is what slave owners did. no its not that bad. but its the same principal. its the same principal as big corps that send jobs overseas knowing these places are sweat shops(you saw that building collapse in india, the other one that caught fire, etc, the folks in china jumping from the building to kill themselves in protest of their situation).
basically these companies do whatever they can to keep growing at a rapid pace to make their stocks look good. to do that you have to cut corners. and that means paying people below the poverty line. so business has a thing called business ETHICS. ethical behavior is the key point. business is not just there to make money. its there to be a part of the whole. the whole being the community. the only reason you can run YOUR business is because the community allows you to. do to their taxes, laws they have voted for, etc. this is something owners dont want to talk about.
you do realize the only reason bandits dont just come in and steal all of your stuff every day is because you have security called the police. well you're not the only person paying for them. the local community does also. so that means you have to give back. and 10 bucks isnt enough if thats below poverty.
you say but but, that means i have to lay someone off or two. FINE. but if everyone does this right. it means you wont have room to grow your business like you thought. this also means someone else will create a similar business and fill the excess need you cant fill. and guess what they will do? Hire a couple of people. well there goes those 2 you had to let go. they are working for someone else. if we pay people the proper wage and you grow your business properly(not on the backs of below poverty level wages, or low balling employees). we will find out where each business really is in their growth process. which will tell other soon to be business owners what products do the people need/want that currently cant be fulfilled with the current crop of large and small businesses.