Well,you’re arguing about the perception of early access games versus ones being sold as $60 complete products.I have not capped for anything. I already said the game isn't for me.
Conversely y'all were just waiting to trash the game. Without playing or trying to understand what it is.
If someone took mincraft, PUBG, roblox, gta online, etc etc, and reviewed them day one, they would not get good reviews, yet those are some of the most played games with lasting communities cause people like to play them with friends and just fukk around. SOT is aimed at those people.
No, fukk off fakkit.
I said i respect opinions from the person I'm talking to. Don't post no video of someone else's opinion. You explain your position to me yourself.
They could have released this as an early access title,but they didn’t. So trying to argue coulda wouldas is silly.
And you are caping, you’re trying to paint the narrative of this game when the reality isn’t the same.
The word of mouth and reviews are that’s it’s a hollow experience with 0 meat on the bone. Same as no many sky.