It has a bunch more in progress reviews,and they aren’t good.
Sorry but you were always going to cape for this game no matter what.
It being built to play for a long time is pretty much the opposite of what’s there content wise. Maybe that changes and it turns around in the coming months but this is being compared to no many’s sky and being compared unfavourably to the destiny 1 launch. You can pretend the word of mouth is different right now but I can read with my own two eyes.
Like I said I’ll keep an eye on it and see how rare supports it maybe they turn it around. To pretend this launch is going well and people are happy is a farce though.
Here’s the excerpt from an in progress review
“The problem is that Sea of Thieves is not a complete game. It just isn’t. It’s maybe 5 or 10% of one, but given what other open world/co-op games can offer you for $60, it’s just astonishing how little Sea of Thieves offers.”
The narrative you’re trying to push isn’t aligned with reality.