Allen Poe
All Star
Jade Cargill's a much better promo and TV presence than him and she just started wrestling a few months ago, that's kind of damning in my eyes.
She's improved since that first promo she cut against Cody, but no.
Jade Cargill's a much better promo and TV presence than him and she just started wrestling a few months ago, that's kind of damning in my eyes.
how many gimmicks can u try? Hes shawn spears with melanin
Instead of that angry black man shyt, He would've been more believable like this:
YepAint he cape for Tessa's racist ass on some "She's always been nice to me" shyt?
The male equivalent of Brandi Rhodes and he ain't even smash.Aint he cape for Tessa's racist ass on some "She's always been nice to me" shyt?
Instead of that angry black man shyt, He would've been more believable like this:
Ok, ok, maybe I exaggerated a little.You had everyone, even the stooges with this joke till you said lose to Marko stunt
Not even the stooges will co-sign and laugh at that one
This post was overbooked like WWE booking
Ok, ok, maybe I exaggerated a little.
Darby Allin, you know I'm telling the truth lol.
Booker's quote is only partially accurate. Once they hit their peaks Sammartino, Hogan, Backlund, Bockwinkle, Austin, The Rock, Cena, and some others never played the background, even when they became part-timers.This is interesting and brings me to something Booker said recently about Lashley and potentially him going back to the background.
“No one can be up, over, and on top all the time”
Sky was one of the champs comings coming out the gate and one of the FIRST champs in the company. Also back then a lot of the guys in the forefront now was more or less in the background then.
So how do you bring up new stars when you keep the same guys in the main spotlight?
Also how do you keep someone constantly over without burning them out to the masses and making them feel old, dull, and dated?
The male equivalent of Brandi Rhodes and he ain't even smash.
You can tell he went right back to smiling and eating cheesecake with all his white friends in catering right after.
Booker's quote is only partially accurate. Once they hit their peaks Sammartino, Hogan, Backlund, Bockwinkle, Austin, The Rock, Cena, and some others never played the background, even when they became part-timers.
Sammartino, Hogan, and Backlund had world champion runs that lasted over a year (a decade in Bruno's case), and they were consistently over. In fact, Hogan would probably still be popular today if we never learned what a racist p.o.s. he is.
The guys that I mentioned were big deals because they were booked like big deals. You mentioned Sky being an inaugural champ, but look at his booking since then. He's been wasting away on YouTube, and he got pinned clean by a 62 year old man. He's a victim of bad booking, and as such very few people care about him.
Saying that Scorpio is a former tag champ is like saying Pedro Morales is a former champion. It's true, but he was a jobber for the bulk of his US career. Wrestling fans have a short memory; nobody cares what Scorpio WAS, we want to know what he's all about NOW.
Had they let Scorpio go on a televised run after leaving S.C.U., and maybe given him a TNT run (he got one TNT title match & went straighr back to Youtube), and NOT let him get sonned by a senior citizen, things might be different. However, as of now, he doesn't seem like a big deal.