Art Barr
It is amazing how horribly booked punk was after he won the strap, you couldn't have booked him any worse if you tried, easily one of the worst booking decisions I can ever remember. From having him come back way too soon, throwing him in a fued with Nash, to the most egregious booking decision in company history by having HHH go over cleanly. The hottest wrestler on the planet loses to a part timer, no one was going to give a shyt about punk getting his win back 9 months later, that killed so much of his momentum. Of all the unforgivable burials HHH has done, that was easily the worst. At least the argument could be made that in the past HHH was a full time wrestler, by this time he was part time, it still pisses me off thinking about it. The pipe bomb and the MITB match got me back into wrestling and the way they completely dropped the ball afterwards made me leave again. Actually I don't think I've watched full time since then.
Cripple ache feared punk, because real talk....
Their feud should have been over the use of the Pepsi plunge and in that either punk or cripple could have gone over and the finish was interchangeable by having the victor give the super pedigree or super Pepsi plunge. That at the end both would have been over regardless. Instead we got clique bullshyt like usual.
Art Barr