Rap Guerilla
he was told it would probably kill him... but he was dying anyway so they, and he, didn't care. nobody tried it before I believe for that reason.. plus the ones you named
and to everyone talking about the difference between rich and poor being so great..........................
that was the whole damn point of the movie
we have this weird thought, that as technology goes forward, and time goes on, that somehow we will all come up together.
when every single stat in history shows us that the rich get richer and richer.. while the poor have stayed the same or dropped down in finance
but somehow in the future... where the rich are so vein that they build a space station to get away from a WORLD of broke people....
y'all believe that they would still take the time to share technology and give workers comp and good pay and shyt
so matt damon couldn't take off his exoskeleton but sharlto copely could???? and speaking of that dude, I was like

also, what happened to jodie foster's character? was the nurse able to save her??