Sauce Walka talks about his issues with Drake on DJ Akademiks show


Feb 15, 2017
Golden △
*hi-jacked everything from Houston. The feature fell through because he peeped Drake’s griminess from the beginning and wasn’t trying to end up like ILoveMakkonen
Sure he hijacked Houston. He featured Bun B on a song and gave him a lil cameo on take care. Held Houston Appreciation Weekend and always showed love early on in his career and still does till this day. Yall act like dude just straight up stole a sound and never showed love whatso ever. Sauce Walka wasn’t even on shyt (he was local) when Drake was chillin with the big dogs of Houston in the mid 2000s. Pure jealousy how Sauce think Drake owe him something when he wasn’t even popping till the mid 2010s :yeshrug:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Sure he hijacked Houston. He featured Bun B on a song and gave him a lil cameo on take care. Held Houston Appreciation Weekend and always showed love early on in his career and still does till this day. Yall act like dude just straight up stole a sound and never showed love whatso ever. Sauce Walka wasn’t even on shyt (he was local) when Drake was chillin with the big dogs of Houston in the mid 2000s. Pure jealousy how Sauce think Drake owe him something when he wasn’t even popping till the mid 2010s :yeshrug:
Sounds like a fair trade to me :yeshrug:

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
The “culture," is what, exactly?

Be specific.

Sounds like people are equating “culture” with regional authencity, which is different from paying homage.

This word has become slippery soap and yall get evasive when pressed to outline what this convo is really about.

Cause yall can’t say anything about business or collabs or leverage. Sauce keeps trying to insinuate that it’s never enough unless he himself is satisfied.

In the same way that you dont recognize it as a part of a "culture",just because your not satisfied it makes sense for you.

Protection of ones culture,competetion,and arbitrary hate of nikkas you dont respect and view as representing "your city" wrong. These are all staples of hiphop culture. Sauces reactiom,as well as Kendricks reation to drake was a mixed bag of different elements of the culture. Some of it is the classic gatekeeping. Some of it comes from the classic competetion angle. "Drakes the hottest rapper in the world,i want to compete and show everybody Im better and take that spot,he not like that". Whether consciously or subconsciously.

Its basically just a battle for the conscience of fans. Meek got at Drake about ghostwriting and nobody hardly cared at the end of the day. Drake shifted the culture in the moment. It would take another rapper to come along and shift it back to make having writers a cardinal sin.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
In the same way that you dont recognize it as a part of a "culture",just because your not satisfied it makes sense for you.
I. am. black. We’re not gonna get through this convo if yall dont wanna lay out some parameters.
Protection of ones culture,competetion,and arbitrary hate of nikkas you dont respect and view as representing "your city" wrong.
What do Travis Scott and Sauce have in common?

Is MexicanOT apart of the culture?
These are all staples of hiphop culture. Sauces reactiom,as well as Kendricks reation to drake was a mixed bag of different elements of the culture. Some of it is the classic gatekeeping.
Gatekeeping of what, specifically.
Some of it comes from the classic competetion angle.
"Drakes the hottest rapper in the world,i want to compete and show everybody Im better and take that spot,he not like that". Whether consciously or subconsciously.
I agree. Fair point.
Its basically just a battle for the conscience of fans. Meek got at Drake about ghostwriting and nobody hardly cared at the end of the day. Drake shifted the culture in the moment. It would take another rapper to come along and shift it back to make having writers a cardinal sin.
Whats your point here in relation to this culture argument?

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
I. am. black. We’re not gonna get through this convo if yall dont wanna lay out some parameters.

What do Travis Scott and Sauce have in common?

Is MexicanOT apart of the culture?

Gatekeeping of what, specifically.


I agree. Fair point.

Whats your point here in relation to this culture argument?

The point is the parameters are subject to change,and you dont like that. Nobody does really if they dont align with that culture. Travis Scott is a part of a culture I cant identfify with:scust:. But it is a sub culture of hiphop nontheless. And yes he would have different parameters within his sub culture,with some overlap in other subcultures of hiphop. But do you think the same rules that apply to Travis apply to Sauce Walka? If Travis got pressed by gangstas in Houston it wouldnt have the same effect. If Walka got pressed in Houston it would be a problem within his culture.

Yes I guess you could argue the same rules shouldnt apply to Drake because hes a pop rapper. But first of all he dabbles. Secondly,calling out people for having a cornier way of life and mentality than you, is still a part of the culture. So Walka was never out of pocket for gatekeeping what he saw as a corny nikka watering down Houston culture.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
The point is the parameters are subject to change,and you dont like that. Nobody does really if they dont align with that culture.
So you dont have a definition. Got it.
Travis Scott is a part of a culture I cant identfify with:scust:. But it is a sub culture of hiphop nontheless. And yes he would have different parameters within his sub culture,with some overlap in other subcultures of hiphop. But do you think the same rules that apply to Travis apply to Sauce Walka? If Travis got pressed by gangstas in Houston it wouldnt have the same effect. If Walka got pressed in Houston it would be a problem within his culture.
Are you even aware of what it is that you’re trying to assert? You’re speaking in circles.
Yes I guess you could argue the same rules shouldnt apply to Drake because hes a pop rapper. But first of all he dabbles. Secondly,calling out people for having a cornier way of life and mentality than you, is still a part of the culture. So Walka was never out of pocket for gatekeeping what he saw as a corny nikka watering down Houston culture.
What did Drake water down?