Trip basically did no damage. I worked out twice, just light body weight circuit shyt. I am hoping I can jump right back into my routine once I feel 100% again. I'm just tired.
Did a lot of hiking this trip and I want to incorporate that in. Really going to step my cardio game up now. I like hiking a lot, didn't realize that before.
Thought about the new routine, and I'm gonna give it a try. Basically have 2 fixed full body days, and then freestyle on the 3rd and maybe 4th day. I will probably make the 3rd day a high volume low intensity upper body day, just to blast my arms and get more volume in. The full body days will alternate with heavy and light days on my big 4 (bench, squats, shoulder press, chins). Then I will try and do 3 days of cardio. I might switch and do my cardio at work... bring my bike into work, ride for half an hour or so, shower and go back to work. Just use the gym for the shower and lift at home. Should be interesting. But yea I'm gonna give the full body routine a try either tomorrow night or Wednesday.