She's the product of a sick society. From the looks of it, she's 20 at best. A damn kid. You can't look at this as a black man and not feel sad at the current state of affairs.
She grew up in dysfunction and will raise sons and daughters who will grow up in dysfunction.
I don't feel sad. Already a single mom and that dad is gone, decided to spread her legs again and get pregnant again and now that dude is gone again. You want to know why this is the state of affairs? Because folks keep coddling, everyone wants sympathy.
In a 1963 speech made at the University of California, Malcolm X addressed the troubling state of families in the black community. Sadly, it takes on even more relevance today. "
Our young girls, our daughters, our baby sisters become unwed mothers before they are hardly out of their teens. Our community has thousands of unmarried mothers [who] have no hope of ever getting a husband. And our community has tens of thousands of little babies who have no father to act as their provider or protector," he said. - Malcolm x almost 60 years ago.
1. don't mess with bum ass negros
2. if you mess with bum ass negros at least let em wear a condom or take birth control