Sacramento Street History chronicled on IG...


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
What’s Sacramento like?

You're coming from the East Coast, so frame of reference, it's a Pittsburgh sized city. Street culture, original B/C gangs the same way NY did it years later with The U, except no out of town sets in the city, every gang is a Sacramento gang...

Plenty of women, it's hot, mild winters, doesn't rain alot, slower than the coast, faster than most everywhere else...

Rising cost of living like most places but cheap by Cali standards. Lot of nice areas, similar to NY in that the worse off areas are well known but it's a large enough city where the hot areas can be avoided easily, this isn't Baltimore or St Louis or Memphis. Very healthy city, really outdoorsy, people into cycling and riding and eating well and hiking and muhfukkas love the rivers and lakes. More trees than most Cali cities...

Somewhat hippie drug culture, whereas Mexicans control SoCal drug flow, crackers and Asians run a large part of the drug flow in Sac, you got Mexicans and us with a hand in it too but the Mexican influence in Sac isn't the strength you see in SoCal, despite the city having a ton of Mexicans...

Most of NorCal is gonna be plugged in with the Asians cause we on the Pacific pipeline, and pasties because there's a larger percentage of white people in NorCal and they are more integrated into urban culture than they are in SoCal. This is true in The City (SF) and The Town (Oakland) too...

Unlike out east, there isn't as much killings around drugs because drugs are cheaper and more plentiful. It definitely happens but you gotta live on both coasts to feel what I mean, the prevalence of drug related violence is lower, they are easier to get and any narcotic you can think of is cheaper...

Sacramento is territorial, but thats a Cali thing in general. Three main sides are the "South Area", "North Area", and "East Area". Think of em like the boroughs in NY, most people don't leave their side of towns, I noticed this more as an adult...

Sacramento hip hop exploded in the 10s, has had traction since the 90s but currently this is the "golden age" of Sac hip hop with the number of artists, producers, labels, venues, etc. It's really dope to watch it blossom though the "Sac sound" isn't creative enough to my tastes, most nikkas sound the fukking same...

Sac has a huge music culture in general though, rock and pop venues and artists and a good self-supporting scene...

You're an hour from the core Bay Area, SF/Oak, so many large traveling acts skip Sac because of proximity, so most performing arts venues in Sac are smaller than stand alone cities of its size. I guess that helps the misperception Sac is "small" too, but it's a numbers thing, 2.5 people live in Greater Sac, 8.5 million people are in the SF Bay, there's more money for elite acts to make hitting The Bay than Sac...

I have seen that people who are going to Sac for the first time expecting it to be "small", are surprised at how busy and dense and urban it is. Again in my experience people who haven't traveled much are the ones who characterize Sac as small and majority of those are Coastal Californians coming from large ass cities on the coast...

No subways but we have light rail and extensive bus transit, so plenty of public transportation and trains to The Bay...

It's an underrated city bro. It's my second favorite city in California, after Los Angeles. It's a lot doper than people assume. I've traveled alot bruh, I have other cities I enjoy more (Charlotte, Virginia Beach), but when you've been to enough places, there's way worse cities than Sac, easily. It's crazy integrated, a ton of gorgeous women...

Black Sac is different if you're used to being around mostly black people---->there is no majority (50%+) black neighborhoods anymore, historically black hoods like The Heights, Meadowview, Oak Park that were 50%+ from the 80s and backwards are integrated now, but those areas still have the heartbeat of black culture, black owned businesses and events and shops. But black people in Sac aren't used to growing up with more of us than anyone else, so I do feel like the "black pride" is not as entrenched. Obviously there are individual black people like this in the city, just speaking in general...


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC

Detroit Bloods, South Sac. They still around too, which I didn't realize until recently. They came from Meadowview originally, then broke off into they own shyt. Like the video say they are considered a legendary set from the old days...


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
I hope fam line up some Crip hoods, because alot of these Crip gangs in the city are overshadowed in the new era because of The G/Oak Park beef. These nikkas still around, I was at a shopping center a few weeks ago in South Natomas and there were like 20 of these dudes in cars playing the parking lot...

I just had a debate with one of my brothers from 24th who was like "ain't no more Cripping if it ain't us or Highlands" and I was like you don't know all the Crips in the city, these nikkas still around lmao. We had a real live debate about whether Crips be "outside", they do its just two big ass Crip gangs in the city and a shyt ton of smaller hoods on the C side. It's alot of big Blood sides...

I hope fam do one on them, lotta legit Crip history too. This is Flat Dogg Crips, a small but legendary Crip side like Detroit is for Bloods, he should touch up on they history too:



Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC

Fam tip-toeing around this shyt because he likely cool with people from Mozzy's side...

Mozzy is two years older than me, he's right that our era is the first era of click banging in Sacramento, and if I was in high school in Sac during this time I probably would've fallen into it too...

But all these clicks around the city, especially during the time they originated, fell under the umbrella of whatever hood they came from. There was no confusion, not even really today because it's still like that today. If you hear there's a click from Del Paso, you know they banging the B, and so on and so forth with other neighborhoods. So coming up in the era the Oakland cats influenced click banging has no bearing on whether Mozzy was in the streets or not. I don't even know what his point was for mentioning this, it has no bearing in this instance...

I've stated this before in the past, I've been tight with many people from Oak Park for years. My mom is from there, she grew up there, and I connected with many people from there over the years because the homies I was around were always on good terms with em (its never been true that everybody from the side funk with them, or funk with SMG, etc). Too many close ties and family connections...

People know Mozzy because he really from that side. But he was never "in the streets" in the sense that he was an active participant in anything relevant. There's people our age who were making a name for themselves in drugs or sticking shyt or clapping shyt up, "Lil Tim from Oak Park" was never a front line name on any level...

But when he first started buzzing in the early 10s there was no disrespect to be given because he was from there and putting on. People fukked with him...

It's just like DaBaby nikka in Charlotte except literally nobody knew where that dude was from when he started popping, it was a complete mystery. Like Mozzy no resume of anything, the streets talk. But at least people knew where Mozzy was from...

(This is also why I disagree vehemently with the perception that today's rappers are more street-tied than previous eras). In previous eras before social media rappers like these two who promoted street activity woulda had a much harder time getting on than they do presently, and woulda been checked. These are two fairly popular 10s era rappers who I know were not heavily involved in the streets, and yet they gained stardom. This has to apply for other rappers of the same era...

Lav a few years older than Mozzy and was more of a name in the streets because he was a dealer. Lav a corny lame too though, but there will never be a video of Lav "was he in the streets", he was a trap guy from his section and everyone know it...


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
Any tips @murksiderock i wanna do one on Black LA aside from the banging shyt
I just don’t know where to start
I don't know bruh to be honest. But I'm glad there's someone chronicling, or attempting to chronicle, Sacramento street history. You hear more about a bunch of other cities in California from The Bay and LA areas specifically, no one before homie has ever really tried to showcase Sac. From the standpoint of people that are into Cali street history, I'm just glad someone shining a light on Sacramento!


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
Top 15 Most Active Sacramento Gangs All-Time
*only the black gangs*

1 Oak Park Bloods (Oak Park, South Sac)
2 Del Paso Heights Bloods (Del Paso Heights/Hagginwood/Dixieanne/Johnson Heights, North Sac)
3 Garden Blocc Crips (Meadowview, South Sac)
4 Meadowview Bloods (Meadowview, South Sac)
5 G Parkway Mobb (Parkway, South Sac)
6 North Highlands Gangster Crips (North Highlands, North Sac)
7 East Side Piru (Rancho Cordova/Rosemont/La Riviera, East Sac)
8 Elder Creek Mob (Glen Elder, South Sac)
9 Nogales Gangster Crips (Del Paso Heights, North Sac)
10 Fruitridge Vista Bloods (Fruitridge, South Sac)
11 Strawberry Manor Gangster Bloods (Strawberry Manor, North Sac)
12 Tongan Crip Gang (Meadowview, South Sac)
13 Detroit Boulevard Bloods (Meadowview, South Sac)
14 Valley Hi Piru (Valley Hi, South Sac)
15 Flat Dogg Crips (Avondale, South Sac)

*TCG isn't black but they demo as basically Baby Gardens nikkas historically so I put them on*...


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
If I had to put another 5 to make it an even Top 20, I'd probably go some order of Guttah Gass, Northside Piru, Valley Hi Gangster Crips, 68 Dogg Crips, and 47th Avenue Bloods...

I think alot of non-Californians who are into the street world, aren't aware that Sacramento has Sacramento gangs, not LA gangs, but I think that's just ignorance of not knowing, because people know San Diego has its own gangs. The umbrellas of B and C are here but that's about as far as it goes, so I want to shed a little more light...

LA's major Crip cars are Naybors, Trays, and Hoovers. Almost every Crip gang in Sacramento is Trays, there are no Hoovers or NeighborHood Crips in Sac so there's no conflict along those lines. We have/had Rollin 50s Crips in the city but they not NHC (there's some debate about whether they still around or not), and they weren't based on no 50s from LA, they from the South Sac 50s....

Sacramento Crips birthed the Northern Cali Crip car movement from prison to the streets. Unlike LA County where there's like a 3:1 ratio of Crips to Bloods, Sacramento is in reverse, it's like 3:1 Bloods to Crips...

This means there's more Bloods vs Bloods beefs in Sacramento, like Crips vs Crips is more prevalent in LA, although there are Crips who have issues too. There's a general North/South split in Sac, I would say there's a healthy respect but North Crips and South Crips aren't buddy buddy generally, even if they aren't at full war...

The only Blood car in Sac that is in LA, is Piru which is the largest Blood car in general. There are no Brims, Family's, NHBs, or Lanes. Sac Blood Cars are Oak Park, The Heights, and the View in addition to Pirus. Some things to point out there...

We have our own version of "Compton", in Rancho Cordova, where just like Compton all the Bloods are Pirus. East Side Piru is more of a car, it's not an actual set itself as there are Sac Pirus that aren't from The East, and there's a bunch of gangs that demo under the ESP banner...

Also, non-Californians often seem confused about whether Pirus are Bloods. They are, that's it and that's all...

I would say the similarity to the NHC/GC war in Sac would be OPB/GP, where two big hoods started a war and a bunch of other gangs chose sides along that, mostly in the South. My era of cats started calling Oak Park "Midtown" because of this, probably around 15 years or so give or take, but historically Oak Park is considered South Sacramento and Midtown Sacramento is its own thing between Downtown and East Sac...