Shout Out to my Dominican Brotha that did the right thing. You are commended. See we all in the same boat we gotta stick together.

shoutout platanos!!Shout Out to my Dominican Brotha that did the right thing. You are commended. See we all in the same boat we gotta stick together.
NYPD got that work a few months ago. They have chilled out since getting that notice to stop the petty shyt. Black people didn't have weapons back in the day like they are fortunate enough to have now. Just got to put it to work. That is the ONLY WAY shyt will change. They are more people than cops. They would be foolish to go that route, but they are just saying "we dare" you at this point.
you left out a bunchJust remember everybody:
Action: Shoot up a theater, killing 12 people and injuring 70 others in the process.
Consequence: Get taken alive, without even a bruise.
Action: Hijack a car, go on a shooting spree, putting the live of various civilians in jeopardy, culminating in a stand off with police.
Consequence: Get taken alive, no injuries whatsoever.
Action: Commit an act of terrorism by setting off a bomb during a large scale public event.
Consequence: Get taken alive to spend the rest of your life in custody. Oh, and get your photo on the cover of Rolling Stone, along with an article portraying you as some sort of "tragic, formerly promising bad boy" type.
yupThe funny thing is I bet the officer told Walter to run. Officer: "I'mma give you 10 seconds to run nikker"
download the dropbox app. there is an option to automatically save your pics/videos to the dropbox cloud.I'm not too tech savvy, but what's the way to record stuff on your phone so that it automatically saves to "the cloud" or something similar? That way if the cops try to delete the vid off your phone after, its too late cause it's already saved on the cloud.
Bonus question: Would other races put up with this? If there were 7, 10, however many Asians or Latinos murdered by police officers in the last 1-2 years, how do you think they'd react?
them cats are straight up trained assassination squadsEverything that we have been talking about for decades happens in this minute long video
1.cop murders a fleeing black man for no reason
2.plants evidence
3.lies in police report
4.another cop lies to protect him
everything in 1 minute
This is what's important about the witness not saying a fukking word. Everything leading up to the shooting will be used in his defense. Him vaguely saying there was a scuffle leaves plenty of doubt... this is why you don't fukking talk to these people. It's never beneficial to talk to the media or the police.
yupSame thing happened to mike brown
Only this incident its on tape
brehs i've always said black people are the kindest people on earth....but I'm just sitting back in awe...startled at the love and peace radiating from the Scott family. are you guys watching cnn? this is a special family. they have a tight bond amongst the brothers. the parents, aunts, uncles all singing church songs. not one negative word said about the officer.could you imagine the VITRIOL that would be coming from the other side if the roles were flipped. i can't believe the strength and the heart of the black race. nothing they do can break us, nothing they do will turn us into them. we always stay above the fray no matter the evil done on us. we spend so much time picking at our flaws but man we are truly God's people...that's the only explanation I have for us constantly forgiving in the face of evil.
Will it really? These things keep happening.
His point is simple. Guns kill people. If these pigs didn't have guns then less of our men will be dying. Obviously, there's no point in doing away with the second amendment now but surely you aren't arguing that it isn't partially responsible for the quality of life for us in america?of course there would be less killing.
what's your point, are you suggesting the second amendment be done away with or changed, and even if it was, do you think people would voluntarily give up the weapons they own?