S. Carolina officer charged w/ murder of a black man after video footage released

Jun 8, 2012
@Bernie Madoff your comments are completely removed from reality but I notice in situations like these and threads like this one people like you will do anything to obscure the reality of the situation when it comes to police and black people. The main reality being that police do not see black people the same way they do everyone else.

This man ran cause obviously he feared for his life. It would be one thing if he was the aggressor, but as the tape clearly shows he was not. There's a thing called fight or flight. Obviously when someone is pointing a gun at you and trying to kill you, you're going to run. Self preservation is the factor that makes one make such a split second response.

Another thing you fail to realize is that...no matter what...no matter how many times this situation plays itself like a rerun of the Simpsons or Seinfeld...The outcome is always the same. He could run away...and still get shot to death. He could raise his hands up and surrender...and still get shot to death. He could comply with the officer....and need still get shot to death. All of the aforementioned are not hypotheticals. These actually happened and there are names and faces to go with each situation. The elephant in the room is that...race most definitely plays a factor...combined with the authority these police officers have. If a white police officer is a racist son of a bytch who has a st0rmfr0nt account and refers to black people as "apes" and "jungle bunnies" in his spare time....do you really think he is going to see me in the same light as another white person (regardless of background)? No.

Since I only deal with facts...I will mention that there have been numerous incidents where white people have shot at cops, killed numerous people, and have been brought in and subdued by police alive.

Now...When you have situations like that...and situations like this one...where black people without any sort of weapons...who pose no threat at all...are being killed on sight by police in altercations...you can't avoid the double standard but you are doing so purposely.

In short you're pathetic and really just coming off as someone who thinks their white knights can do no wrong especially when they are fighting against dark villains. Your rationales make no rational sense. I hope many more neg reps come your way.


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
His point is simple. Guns kill people. If these pigs didn't have guns then less of our men will be dying. Obviously, there's no point in doing away with the second amendment now but surely you aren't arguing that it isn't partially responsible for the quality of life for us in america?

white people wanting to kill Black people is responsible for our quality of life in America. if every police force across the entire country decided to do away with guns, they would find alternative means to kill Black people, because that's the goal, killing Black people, by any means necessary.


Aug 30, 2014
DADE County
Shout Out to my Dominican Brotha that did the right thing. You are commended. See we all in the same boat we gotta stick together.


The Diablo Loco came through in a big way. :salute:

Kobes Two Jerseys

8 or 24 best player of the era
May 19, 2012
Fistful of jewels
I do the exact same thing.

Alright, let me tell you a story that happened to me back in January. I got arrested for the first time in my life.

I was driving down Putnam ave in Bedstuy to pick up my friend to go out to the bar. I'm driving past the project buildings there and there are mad police around the area. My front headlight was out. I stop at a stoplight right across from two police cars.

The light turns green. Not even two seconds afterwards, I see them red and blue lights flashing in my rear view. I'm just like...:beli:I pull over, pull out my license, registration, and insurance immediately.

As soon as the cop comes to my driver side window, I just hand them to him. Turns out I had unpaid tickets and they cuffed me and put me in the back of the police van. They didn't give me shyt though, but damn those cuffs were tight. I still have marks on my wrists from where the cuffs were. I stayed in the police station cell for two hours and was released...went to court already, had to pay a fine.

that whole ordeal was just something else. All you have to do is be black and the system is already looking at you with it's vigiliant eye. It's disgusting.

It is so sick how people like to use that as a justification for police abuse. I've seen enough times already how Walter Scott was a felon.
Jun 8, 2012
Just had to sneak that in. :comeon:
Please hillary...show me the tapes where white people are getting executed by white police officers or black police officers or Asian police officers or Hispanic police officers like dogs.

They don't exist.

All lives matter huh? If that was the case I'm pretty sure we wouldn't need to say #BLACKLIVESMATTER in a country that was bred off of the precedent of them not mattering.

Even when we are getting fukking killed by racists white people accuse us of being racists cause we're actually pointing out the fact were victims of racists. But not realizing by doing so they're coming off as racists.

I'm going to bed...This shyt is giving me a headache. :snoop:


Rebirth is upon Us 2025
Feb 2, 2014
@Bernie Madoff your comments are completely removed from reality but I notice in situations like these and threads like this one people like you will do anything to obscure the reality of the situation when it comes to police and black people. The main reality being that police do not see black people the same way they do everyone else.

This man ran cause obviously he feared for his life. It would be one thing if he was the aggressor, but as the tape clearly shows he was not. There's a thing called fight or flight. Obviously when someone is pointing a gun at you and trying to kill you, you're going to run. Self preservation is the factor that makes one make such a split second response.

Another thing you fail to realize is that...no matter what...no matter how many times this situation plays itself like a rerun of the Simpsons or Seinfeld...The outcome is always the same. He could run away...and still get shot to death. He could raise his hands up and surrender...and still get shot to death. He could comply with the officer....and need still get shot to death. All of the aforementioned are not hypotheticals. These actually happened and there are names and faces to go with each situation. The elephant in the room is that...race most definitely plays a factor...combined with the authority these police officers have. If a white police officer is a racist son of a bytch who has a st0rmfr0nt account and refers to black people as "apes" and "jungle bunnies" in his spare time....do you really think he is going to see me in the same light as another white person (regardless of background)? No.

Since I only deal with facts...I will mention that there have been numerous incidents where white people have shot at cops, killed numerous people, and have been brought in and subdued by police alive.

Now...When you have situations like that...and situations like this one...where black people without any sort of weapons...who pose no threat at all...are being killed on sight by police in altercations...you can't avoid the double standard but you are doing so purposely.

In short you're pathetic and really just coming off as someone who thinks their white knights can do no wrong especially when they are fighting against dark villains. Your rationales make no rational sense. I hope many more neg reps come your way.



Nov 26, 2013
@Bernie Madoff your comments are completely removed from reality but I notice in situations like these and threads like this one people like you will do anything to obscure the reality of the situation when it comes to police and black people. The main reality being that police do not see black people the same way they do everyone else.

This man ran cause obviously he feared for his life. It would be one thing if he was the aggressor, but as the tape clearly shows he was not. There's a thing called fight or flight. Obviously when someone is pointing a gun at you and trying to kill you, you're going to run. Self preservation is the factor that makes one make such a split second response.

Another thing you fail to realize is that...no matter what...no matter how many times this situation plays itself like a rerun of the Simpsons or Seinfeld...The outcome is always the same. He could run away...and still get shot to death. He could raise his hands up and surrender...and still get shot to death. He could comply with the officer....and need still get shot to death. All of the aforementioned are not hypotheticals. These actually happened and there are names and faces to go with each situation. The elephant in the room is that...race most definitely plays a factor...combined with the authority these police officers have. If a white police officer is a racist son of a bytch who has a st0rmfr0nt account and refers to black people as "apes" and "jungle bunnies" in his spare time....do you really think he is going to see me in the same light as another white person (regardless of background)? No.

Since I only deal with facts...I will mention that there have been numerous incidents where white people have shot at cops, killed numerous people, and have been brought in and subdued by police alive.

Now...When you have situations like that...and situations like this one...where black people without any sort of weapons...who pose no threat at all...are being killed on sight by police in altercations...you can't avoid the double standard but you are doing so purposely.

In short you're pathetic and really just coming off as someone who thinks their white knights can do no wrong especially when they are fighting against dark villains. Your rationales make no rational sense. I hope many more neg reps come your way.
One more thing
they expect perfect behavior from black people, almost inhumane (no fear, no mental errors, no context or sense of history, no prejudice) and the acceptable price to them for failing to be perfect is death
that is all they need in order to accept the, criminally and malignantly, less than perfect behavior of the police officer enough such that they may equivocate on this life and death matter, and that they could dare attempt to muddy the clarity of our emotions.
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Kobes Two Jerseys

8 or 24 best player of the era
May 19, 2012
Fistful of jewels
Dude said it best, they literally can not wrap their head around the idea a police can do this without a video like this. They just can't believe it. But how many videos do you need from Rodney King to Eric Garner? They will never get it.

And I am sure after Ferguson and Eric Garner, then when the guy killed the two police in NY thought they had leverage. Turning their back on the mayor :rudy: For some they did sadly. But they can't stop, can't help themselves. Been doing it too long even with technology catching up to them they can't stop.

Because they don't want to admit that they've been living a lie for 500 years. These people live in a fantasy land where some dumb flag, with the colors red, white and blue, actually means something. It was hard enough for these people to give up santa claus and the easter bunny that there is no way they are going to give up their idea of how a cop is always correct.

Kobes Two Jerseys

8 or 24 best player of the era
May 19, 2012
Fistful of jewels
Real shyt breh. I've been screamin this shyt for years. It's sick and it's sad how forgiving we are to other races. But if another black person had shot homeboy in SC, I guarantee you his family members would be ready to ride on that nikka. We show eachother brutality at the highest order, but treat other races that have really fukked us over the most compassion and sympathy:snoop:
You have to decolonize your minds.

Kobes Two Jerseys

8 or 24 best player of the era
May 19, 2012
Fistful of jewels
Are they serious :dwillhuh:
These people are very serious. I'm listening to 1050 am in LA. Some dude Joe Pags is the host, wondering why people are still protesting even though there has been a charge against the cop. As if one single charge erases the entire history of all of this abuse.