Why was dude running? Just asking a question. He ain't deserve to get popped like that.
You just answered your own question

Why was dude running? Just asking a question. He ain't deserve to get popped like that.
brehs i've always said black people are the kindest people on earth....but I'm just sitting back in awe...startled at the love and peace radiating from the Scott family. are you guys watching cnn? this is a special family. they have a tight bond amongst the brothers. the parents, aunts, uncles all singing church songs. not one negative word said about the officer.could you imagine the VITRIOL that would be coming from the other side if the roles were flipped. i can't believe the strength and the heart of the black race. nothing they do can break us, nothing they do will turn us into them. we always stay above the fray no matter the evil done on us. we spend so much time picking at our flaws but man we are truly God's people...that's the only explanation I have for us constantly forgiving in the face of evil.
Just remember everybody:
Action: Shoot up a theater, killing 12 people and injuring 70 others in the process.
Consequence: Get taken alive, without even a bruise.
Action: Hijack a car, go on a shooting spree, putting the live of various civilians in jeopardy, culminating in a stand off with police.
Consequence: Get taken alive, no injuries whatsoever.
Action: Commit an act of terrorism by setting off a bomb during a large scale public event.
Consequence: Get taken alive to spend the rest of your life in custody. Oh, and get your photo on the cover of Rolling Stone, along with an article portraying you as some sort of "tragic, formerly promising bad boy" type.
brehs i've always said black people are the kindest people on earth....but I'm just sitting back in awe...startled at the love and peace radiating from the Scott family. are you guys watching cnn? this is a special family. they have a tight bond amongst the brothers. the parents, aunts, uncles all singing church songs. not one negative word said about the officer.could you imagine the VITRIOL that would be coming from the other side if the roles were flipped. i can't believe the strength and the heart of the black race. nothing they do can break us, nothing they do will turn us into them. we always stay above the fray no matter the evil done on us. we spend so much time picking at our flaws but man we are truly God's people...that's the only explanation I have for us constantly forgiving in the face of evil.
Just remember everybody:
Action: Shoot up a theater, killing 12 people and injuring 70 others in the process.
Consequence: Get taken alive, without even a bruise.
Action: Hijack a car, go on a shooting spree, putting the live of various civilians in jeopardy, culminating in a stand off with police.
Consequence: Get taken alive, no injuries whatsoever.
Action: Commit an act of terrorism by setting off a bomb during a large scale public event.
Consequence: Get taken alive to spend the rest of your life in custody. Oh, and get your photo on the cover of Rolling Stone, along with an article portraying you as some sort of "tragic, formerly promising bad boy" type.
I do the exact same thing.Anytime I get pulled over, before the cop even gets to my car I put my wallet, registration and keys on the roof of my car as to avoid any "I thought he had a gun" scenarios.
It's tiring to even have to do this. My father isn't even from this country and the first thing he told me back in the day when I got my drivers license was "you're now in the system. You will have to deal with police and other things now so you need to know how to operate with them."
I have a better understanding of how the prison induatrial complex works and wanted other black men there. It isn't about me...ALL should be there instead of whining online.Get off your high horse. What do you think you achieved attending some stupid expert panel. I'd trust anything I read on the Coli before I listened to some "experts"
brehs i've always said black people are the kindest people on earth....but I'm just sitting back in awe...startled at the love and peace radiating from the Scott family. are you guys watching cnn? this is a special family. they have a tight bond amongst the brothers. the parents, aunts, uncles all singing church songs. not one negative word said about the officer.could you imagine the VITRIOL that would be coming from the other side if the roles were flipped. i can't believe the strength and the heart of the black race. nothing they do can break us, nothing they do will turn us into them. we always stay above the fray no matter the evil done on us. we spend so much time picking at our flaws but man we are truly God's people...that's the only explanation I have for us constantly forgiving in the face of evil.
It seems like Eric Garner daughter has woken up now
She now see's that all this patting on the back, means nothing. They refuse to put these guys away
That bullshyt Gofundme for the cop was termed, not sure if posted
Apparently it's on another site though.
After Eric Garner, I already know how it's going to go if the cop gets off.