And that’s why no one is battling an eyelash of those a$$holes getting bodied left and right.. 10,000 Russian soldiers and counting taking dirt naps
The scary thing about Putin is that he is unlikely to just cut his losses. He's not really that type of person. He is likely to just keep throwing bodies into the meat grinder. He's not going to just throw his hands up, apologize, and fall back.So at what point does Putin realize this isn't winnable and cut his lossesat this point it seems like the war is running on Putin's ego and not much else
Is dude just going to keep sending soldiers to Ukraine until he literally runs out of men?
I think it's been a surprise to most of usi did not know russia's military is so incompetent....
I think it's been a surprise to most of us
i did not know russia's military is so incompetent....
Started to read the article...Reports coming in that the Ukrainians have used cluster munitions banned by the UN
Thats not very kosher of them to do. I guess they dont give a fukk about being viewed as the "good guys" since NATO isnt coming to help, but now if the Russians drop a nuke or chem weapon on them
I know Russia did it first but
Making it hard to root for yall with this
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These types of internationally banned weapons have been repeatedly used by the Russian military since it invaded Ukraine in February.
Started to read the article...