Russia's Invasion of Ukraine (Official Thread)


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Bruh. What?! :mindblown: :dahell:

They arrested this dude :dead:
Western media's favorite Russian conspiracy theorist detained
2-3 minutes
A well-known Russian conspiracy theorist, who previously claimed that President Vladimir Putin was planning to step down because he had cancer and Parkinson’s disease, has been detained for questioning by Moscow law enforcement, according to his lawyer.

Local media reported on Wednesday that Solovey, a political scientist and former professor at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), had his house searched by authorities and was then taken into custody along with his son. A source told Znak that the search had been undertaken on suspicion that he had violated the Russian criminal code by “inciting hatred or enmity.”

However, RIA Novosti reported that Solovey’s sister, Tatyana, said that he and his son had been brought to speak with Russia’s Investigative Committee as witnesses to a crime.

The former professor’s lawyer, Aleksey Dobrynin, later clarified to the media that Solovey had indeed been brought in as a witness, and added that his nephew’s home had also been searched. According to Dobrynin, Solovey signed a nondisclosure agreement with Investigative Committee and could not reveal details about the matter. It is unclear who the suspect is in the case Solovey was called in as a witness for.

The commentator, popular with Western journalists for his explosive evidence-free claims, earned notoriety in 2020 after spreading rumors that Putin was planning to step down as president because he was suffering from a neurodegenerative condition, a story that was picked up by popular Western outlets including the New York Post and the UK’s Mail Online.

Later that same year, Solovey again claimed that Putin was planning to hand over power, this time alleging that he was ill with cancer, which British outlets The Sun and The Express both reported on.

The professor and his prophecies Known for peddling wild conspiracy theories, Valery Solovey is now wrapped up in a felony hate speech investigation — Meduza
6-8 minutes
On Wednesday, February 16, law enforcement officers raided the Moscow home of political analyst Valery Solovey. Solovey and his son Pavel were then taken to the Russian Investigative Committee for questioning. As it turns out, Solovey is considered a witness in a criminal investigation into felony hate speech. Solovey and his son were released late Wednesday evening after being questioned. According to unofficial reports, the felony investigation is connected to an anonymous Telegram account called “SVR General” — allegedly, Solovey may have been involved in creating content for this channel, which regularly criticizes the Russian authorities. Meduza recounts how Valery Solovey, a former professor at Moscow’s prestigious MGIMO University, became an extravagant political commentator known for his colorful (and increasingly wild) conspiracy theories.

Valery Solovey was born in August 1960 in what was then the Ukrainian SSR. Today, his hometown of Shchastia is located on the line of contact between Kyiv-controlled territory and the self-proclaimed “Donetsk People’s Republic.” In 1983, he graduated from Moscow State University with a degree in history. He then continued along the smooth path of successful academic career: he entered graduate school, worked at the History Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union, became a doctoral candidate, did an internship abroad in London, earned his PhD in history, sat on the editorial boards of academic journals, and finally joined MGIMO’s faculty.

For a long time, Solovey’s interest in the topic of Russian nationalism was purely academic. His writing appeared in Geopolitika magazine alongside articles by fascist philosopher Alexander Dugin (Solovey also sat on the publication’s expert board). And he supervised the doctoral work of nationalist Vladimir Tor, whose dissertation defense provoked a scandal. Then, Valery Solovey went into politics.

Against the backdrop of the large-scale protests in 2011–2012, which saw active participation from Russian nationalists, Solovey started his own political party called New Force. In June 2013, the Justice Ministry refused to register it and, three years later, Solovey told the press that New Force was “frozen” due to the “threat of reprisals.”

Later, in 2017, Solovey joined Party of Growth leader Boris Titov’s campaign team as a consultant on ideology (Titov won less than one percent of the vote in the elections).

Solovey had a brush with the law in September 2020, when he was briefly detained after a “Day of Changes” rally that he organized (a Moscow court later fined him 20,000 rubles, or $260). A month later, he announced the launch of his own decentralized opposition movement. The movement’s street rallies began popping up regularly (despite being poorly attended), and one of them even landed Solovey a 10-day stint in jail.

In the end, it wasn’t Solovey’s not-so-successful political activities that brought him fame. While he was still a professor in MGIMO’s Public Relations Department, he often made appearances in the media as a political commentator, and he became known for his bold predictions. (Solovey left MGIMO in 2019, claiming he was forced out for “political reasons”.)

One of his most famous predictions that actually came true was the appointment of the little-known Anton Vayno as Putin’s chief of staff and of Vyacheslav Volodin as State Duma chairman. That said, the majority of Solovey’s “prophecies” (such as his regular predictions about an imminent change of government in Russia) haven’t come anywhere close to reality.

Nevertheless, thanks to a few exceptionally successful hits, television and radio stations kept asking Solovey to appear on air. Gradually, his predictions and “inside scoops” came to increasingly resemble straight up fantasies — Solovey even declared himself a member of a powerful secret organization (naturally, he didn’t disclose its name).

With time, Solovey became more and more preoccupied with Vladimir Putin’s health, claiming that the Russian president has long been on the brink of death due to some terrible disease. In November 2020, for example, the British tabloid The Sun cited “Moscow political scientist Professor Valery Solovey” in an article claiming that Putin was preparing to step down due to supposed symptoms of Parkinson’s. The news circulated so widely in the Russian and international press that Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov had to refute it.

In addition, since 2019, Solovey has been building an audience through his own YouTube channel, where he uploads recordings of his media appearances and holds live streams. His streams feature interviews with a number of regular guests, the best known among them being the “SVR General,” whose anonymous Telegram channel Solovey often cites. Solovey addresses the purported former general as “Viktor Mikhailovich,” but his real identity remains a mystery. One widespread theory alleges that the “general” is really a Ukrainian lawyer by the name of Viktor Yermolayev, but in a comment to Meduza, Yermolayev refuted these claims. On February 16, the state-controlled news network RT reported that Valery Solovey was detained for questioning due content published on the SVR General Telegram channel that promoted “hatred towards government and law enforcement officials.”

The “SVR General,” along with top specialist in occultism” Andrey Kosmach (another regular guest on Solovey’s YouTube channel), have long been key sources of the political analyst’s most outlandish stories. Such as, for example, Solovey’s claim that Putin had shamans perform a ritual killing of a black dog so that he could drink the animal’s sacrificial blood (in fact, Solovey has expressed concern over Putin’s purported involvement in shamanism and blood rites more than once.)

Translation by Eilish Hart
Apr 3, 2014
If it’s just air support it might mean they will force Putin to take Kyiv by land only and can’t soften targets with bombing.

With the weapons we gave Ukraine the Russians would take heavy casualties before they get anywhere.

But that would effectively kick off WW3......

If this news is true, NATO is trying to call Putins bluff.

Now we see who blinks first.

Micky Mikey

Sep 27, 2013
If it’s just air support it might mean they will force Putin to take Kyiv by land only and can’t soften targets with bombing.

With the weapons we gave Ukraine the Russians would take heavy casualties before they get anywhere.

Sounds like it will only increase the likelihood of a direct NATO and Russia confrontation