Yea Inhad to ignore nap again.
fakkit always posts random tweets...
fakkit always posts random tweets...

Yea Inhad to ignore nap again.
fakkit always posts random tweets...
Yea Inhad to ignore nap again.
fakkit always posts random tweets...
Its a timing thing, a lot of shale companies cut down on expenditure because of the last few boom and bust cycles they've faced. Would take at least a year to get production at levels high enough to displace Russian exports (along side increased production from OPEC countries, who so far have said they're sticking to supply cut agreement they've struck with Russia)
Another wild card is potential re-introduction of Iranian oil and gas in global market following a new nuclear deal. But that is also not guaranteed.
Not how it works breh.
The problem is that everything you (and most people for that matter) know/understand about oil is a combination of half truths, propaganda and wishful thinking. Yes, countries might import more oil from one country or another...for instance most of our oil comes from canada for obvious reasons (distance/good trade relations etc) but the price for crude oil is determined by the world market. No different than gold.
The propoganda/wishful thinking was the idea that if we encourage greater oil production here in the US that prices would collapse . The inference being that all of this crude oil would flood the world market and drive the price down. But remember, bc it's a world market if supply gets too high then it's easy for countries like saudi arabia, russia etc to limit their own production to keep prices high.
Even more importantly is that a lot of the new production that has come online the last 10 yrs or so has been due to fracking. The fracking industry used propoganda/wishful thinking (let us drill and we'll lower gas prices) to convince ppl to let them operate, but now that prices have started to rise they are in no hurry to increase production (which would lead to lower prices/profits). Most of the companies in that space were almost wiped out when oil prices plummeted. Many companies went out of business and the rest were gobbled up by whoever survived. They are not in the business of working to give us cheaper prices. Now that they're on top they will now start directing these outsize profits to their shareholders.
There’s a lockout? I had no ideaTo be honest not enough people watch/care about baseball for that to make much difference
I didn't even know there was a lockout.
I ignored him and a couple others and i still hear these goddamn reddit videos autoplaying on the page. i have to mute my laptop every time i go to this thread![]()
We need that Putin nude scene ASAP thenPutin reminds me of Cersie Lannister from GOT
Naps stuff about the religious angle is very interesting. That and Bannon's role in this whole fiasco. Remember, he and Paul Manafort were a big part of the ascendancy of Yanukovich. His being thrown out of office was instrumental in what is going on today.Yea Inhad to ignore nap again.
fakkit always posts random tweets...
Naps stuff about the religious angle is very interesting. That and Bannon's role in this whole fiasco. Remember, he and Paul Manafort were a big part of the ascendancy of Yanukovich. His being thrown out of office was instrumental in what is going on today.
Definitely a different Putin. I am sure, even with his power, he would say something like, "Stay out of our Affairs; this is between Russia and Ukraine.", instead he just resorts to outright lying; not projecting strength.