Eh wouldn't go that far inflation is a real problem
How sogermany is looking like it will be a big loser in all this after it's all done.
I think people might be inclined to forgive inflation over the potential of getting scorched off the face of the earth via nuclear annihilation.Eh wouldn't go that far inflation is a real problem
I think people might be inclined to forgive inflation over the potential of getting scorched off the face of the earth via nuclear annihilation.
Biden needs to do much more domestically to earn my and a lot of people's vote. I care about what's happening in Ukraine cuz of what it could escalate to but there's much more than that cuz other stuff affects us here. He already has enough issues as is with covid, inflation, interest rate hikes, and other stuff. Not to mention his age and terrible choice of vp if something were to happen him. His odds may not be too good. Maybe even so for the midterms. Tho I would gladly accept a democratic governor just to get rid of Desantis.
honestly I was thinking about this and I don't think that's on accident, I don't believe by themselves Ukraine has them type of capabilities, Putin knows this but wants to provoke a outside country to help them as a pretext to use a nuke or something
Brehs don't believe me but this move by Biden will be in the history books. It's incredible, man.
Dude is bringing down Russia without moving a finger. And you know much of this is also payback for them interfering with our elections. It's incredible.
He’s a Russian botHow so