Russia's Invasion of Ukraine (Official Thread)

Apr 3, 2014
Oh man, please tell me you're one of the Nap "Russia controls Trump because he has a kompromat video of trump peeing on hookers" guys :mjlol:

You said:

"But for some reason American leadership never gets the tag of irrationality. That's only reserved for foreigners, usually darker ones."

We been saying Trump was irrational for 4 years. I will grant you that white supremacy granted him more cover than a black president would have gotten, but his rationality was constantly being questioned.

Bush as well. We found out he was a blubbering idiot by what, year 3? His rationality was constantly called into question so much so that many thought that Cheney was running the country.

Tony D'Amato

It's all about the inches
May 1, 2012
Its amazing that Putin has the power he does. Like I know its some generals and shyt that know this is stupid, bit nobody is standing up to him?


Rest In Power Kobe
May 1, 2012
You said:

"But for some reason American leadership never gets the tag of irrationality. That's only reserved for foreigners, usually darker ones."

We been saying Trump was irrational for 4 years. I will grant you that white supremacy granted him more cover than a black president would have gotten, but his rationality was constantly being questioned.

Bush as well. We found out he was a blubbering idiot by what, year 3? His rationality was constantly called into question so much so that many thought that Cheney was running the country.
Every US leader since Truman unnecessarily dropped the bomb has acted irrationally with the military.
Apr 3, 2014
When the dust settles I think this period will be analyzed as a seminal case study in social media mis/disinformation. Basically every tweet being shared right now is completely unverifiable and people are building entire narratives around them. Random accounts just throwing out numbers of dead and going viral, years old videos being shared as's the wild west out there right now. Like, people getting high off that video of the Russian plane being shot down over Kyiv and when it turned out to be a Ukrainian plane everyone just collectively shrugged and moved on looking for the next unverified tweet/video. Everyone, including mainstream media, spent days making martyrs out of the Snake Island defenders and when they turned out to still be alive, again, we all just collectively shrugged and moved on. This whole shyt is weird as fukk if you really think about it.

Might as well get used to it cause this is the world moving forward. Everyone has the power to share info but they don't have the training to share info.


Jan 28, 2013
Ukraine and NATO wasn't going to happen pre-invasion you idiot. Western Europe were deadset against it. If Putin continues to fukk up who dafuq knows, maybe NATO will be emboldened and continue to expand against a weakened Russia. So basically you are talking bullshyt - Putin is losing. :win:

I'm the idiot yet it took you three posts to understand what I was saying.

I was talking to another poster who was asking what was Putin's end game. I responded by saying to ensure Ukraine never aligned with NATO. As far as the bolded, obviously he thinks otherwise dumbass or there wouldn't be thousands of corpses bloating over there right now. This message is now loud and clear regardless of who wins.

Here you are....not even three days ago....acknowledging that "this scenario"..."this aggression" as you put it was because of this possibility. Or can you not remember what you posted on Thursday :hhh:

Iirc it was never really on the table due to this exact scenario aka triggering Russian aggression. But I might be wrong, I haven't paid much attention to NATO politics over the last few years.

Ignored. Dumbass muthafukka.
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pico pal q lee
Apr 30, 2012
And while we're at it, I find all this talk about Putin being crazy or having syphillis or Parkinsons kinda funny. It's the same line that's always trot out whenever a country's leader counters American interests. Castro? Crazy. Gaddafi? Insane. Saddam? Lunatic. The Kims? Nutty. Khomeini? Psycho. Lumumba? Deranged. Chavez? Maniac. Seems like sanity is directly correlated to the willingness to be subordinate to American interests.

There are many rational reasons why Putin, the definitionally precarious leader of a kleptocratic oligarchy with internal power struggles ruling over a country with water/climate concerns and a potentially waning strangehold on their economically prized European gas domination and a buffer state neighbour increasingly leaning towards joining a military alliance with a hegemonic enemy, would make this move. It was a gamble, the odds of which paying off are looking increasingly diminished due to the heroism of Ukrainians, but it wasn't particularly irrational. By all metrics the Gulf War (so say nothing of the Iraq War) was a far more irrational venture than Putin's invasion. But for some reason American leadership never gets the tag of irrationality. That's only reserved for foreigners, usually darker ones. Edward Said rolling over in his grave.

This is also a very U.S POV take too by the way. Authoritarians clown on other presidents and leaders all the damn time and pit them as crazy, evil and a menace to society (hell, even Zelensky has been painted as a drug addict by Putin :heh:). And you are out of your mind if you think American leadership never gets the tag of irrationality because they absolutely do. At least in this region of the world y'all are seen as crazy war mongering gringos that create reasons for conflict out of thin air because of economic and geopolitical motivations. "Gringos gonna gringo" or "typical gringo" applies to any news about some stupid shyt the U.S. might be involved in.

There's two very different things at play with this Ukrainian invasion. One is the rationale for invading: stop NATO from getting any closer and warn other countries in the region about what happens when they fly too close to western sun. The other one is how Putin went about this goal. Everything about the execution of this invasion is nothing short of stupid and crazy, Both those things weren't associated with Putin, and it's why a good number of people are still surprised that it happened the way it did. He for sure deserves to be labeled crazy in this situation, he went full retard and put himself in a no win scenario in the biggest stage of them all.
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Jan 28, 2013
This is also a very U.S POV take too by the way. Authoritarians clown on other presidents and leaders all the damn time and pit them as crazy, evil and a menace to society (hell, even Zelensky has been painted as a drug addict by Putin :heh:). And you are out of your mind if you think American leadership never gets the tag of irrationality because they absolutely do. At least in this region of the world y'all are seen as crazy war mongering gringos that create reasons for conflict out of thin air because of economic and geopolitical reasons. "Gringos gonna gringo" or "typical gringo" applies to any news about some stupid shyt the U.S. might be involved in.

There's two very different things at play with this Ukrainian invasion. One is the rationale for invading: stop NATO from getting any closer and warn other countries in the region about what happens when they fly too close to western sun. The other one is how Putin went about this goal. Everything about the execution of this invasion is nothing short of stupid and crazy, both things aren't associated with Putin and why a good number of people are still surprised that in happened the way it did. He for sure deserves to be labeled crazy in this situation, he went full retard and put himself in a no win scenario in the biggest stage of them all.

Not according to @Grand Conde breh. This was never a possibility. Putin's just over there for the ports and the beaches :heh: