First of all, all these tweets are clogging up the page and they do not load. Just like the Mueller thread.
Second, these worlds leaders can dig out their magic trick bags and find an excuse to help Ukraine militarily….I remember Iraqi Freedom and the so called humanitarian aid.
these so called World leaders are p*ssy.
Don’t think some people realize that. This board has been up for almost 10 years but we still gotta tell people to slow down on all the tweets. Just put up the most relevant and verifiable shyt. At least 80% of this shyt is Nap’s neocon Pom Pom waiving….

As for the second comment, I think they’re waiting to see if this becomes an insurgency. Much easier to support under the table then than it is now. But even now I’m pretty sure they’re supplying some militias on the hush. But Ukraine ain’t worth potentially sparking another European war. And as much as people bring up the WWIII scenario that’s contingent on other conflicts around the world going from cold to hot while having an interconnected relationship with one or the other side of the European conflict.
Now if China/Taiwan, N/S Korea, India/Pakistan, and Gulf States vs Iran/Hezbollah/Syria suddenly got hot at the same time then its a World War. The odds of that all happening isn’t THAT high imo.
I left Germany on Tuesdayand am now in ground zero - Washington DC
You notice the MPD squad cars on 295 by the exits with their lights on? I noticed them and jump outs were pulling over those big ass Class A construction trucks. Very odd. Maybe a safety measure to prevent any potential saboteurs in the city.

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