Russia's Invasion of Ukraine (Official Thread)

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether

Agreed, I've been emphasizing Russia's illegal role in the Crimea annexation, eastern Ukraine violence, and MH-17 shootdown since 2014. Sadly, Russia's military upkeep and financial reserves that they were preparing for this fight were largely built off the Western oil/gas addiction which continued to enrich Mother Russia until the last moment.

The cognitive dissonance of Russia stans boggles my mind, but in truth it's logical.

You KNOW that all the pro-Kremlin media in Russia is controlled by the Kremlin, and you KNOW that they're giving you fake, ridiculous stories to prop up Putin. Stuff like the 15 different, contradictory explanations for why Russian-backed forces didn't shoot down MH-17 even after they had just celebrated Russian-backed forces shooting down a plane on air.


So when you know all your pro-Russia news is fake, why do you still believe it? Because it you believe that the rest of the world's news was real, it would force you to accept that Russia ain't shyt anymore. That not only are you still not free, but other countries are doing better than you in just about everything. That not only do you have rampant religious oppression, press oppression, political oppression, and speech oppression, but your economy ain't shyt, your health ain't shyt, and you have active wars both just outside and within your borders.

And Russians are already depressed enough as it is. :yeshrug:

So in order to maintain the cognitive dissonance to resist the idea that other countries have press freedoms that you do not, and that other places are actually doing better than Russia's sorry state, you have to push the narrative that the entire global media, in hundreds of nations and controlled by hundreds of corporations, is single-mindedly working together to shyt on Russia...just because it's fun.


Believing that one ultra-authoritarian country is controlling their media, with ample evidence, is easy. Believing that the entire rest of the globe, without the same authoritarian power, is controlling privately-owned global media with no evidence at all...a little harder to swallow.

But, of course, if you're in Russia, what do you have besides that hope, and vodka?

So don't think I hate you. I love a lot about Russia. I read some of your authors all the time, they're some of the greatest ever. And I understand why it's so depressing to be you right now.

I'm not even posting from an English-speaking country, if that matters to you. And I've got Russian-speaking acquaintances who have cleared out major shyt for me on this.

As far as "selective conspiracy", Kremlin control of news in Russia isn't a conspiracy, it's a known, open fact. The Kremlin owns or controls all five major television stations, some of the most important radio stations and newspapers, and about 60% of distributed press overall. And they have closed down non-obedient stations whenever they want. They don't have the same freedom of speech laws, so journalists and even bloggers are in prison simply for posting news or even their mere opinions. Tens of thousands of websites are banned because they tell things Russia doesn't want the public to know. A large number of independent media have been forcibly closed or taken over by pro-active operators.

None of that requires "conspiracy". The fact that state-controlled media is dominant in Russia is a basic fact.

Of course, get to the 56 journalists murdered in the last twenty years for not toeing the State line, with most of those "umsolved"...

The American government doesn't own media. Rather than a single man on top, political control actually passes around. Freedom of press is in the Constitution. Stations aren't getting shut down for posting independent news, and journalists aren't getting killed/imprisoned left and right for reporting inconvenient facts.

Not to mention that we're talking way outside simply America, across most other global media as well. Everyone except Russians knew Russian soldiers were in Crimea. Everyone except Russians knows that the are Russians involved in the Ukraine war right now. Everyone except Russians knows that Russian-backed rebels shot down MH-17. And the economy sucks, journalists die, opposition politicians die, Putin elections are a joke, Chechnya was a mess and is still scary, Syria is just an excuse to keep Assad propped up and hold that base... No one in the globe doubts any of that unless they listen to Russian state media or really want to impress the people who do.

Find any independent organization in the world that rates American press freedom as lower than Russia, then get back to me.

Of course. With a navy as powerful as everyone else's combined to boot. It's idiocy to think of Russia or anyone else taking on America's military on American soil - they can't even get there.
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Liu Kang

May 3, 2012
Damn, so there was this video circulating with dozens of Russians lying dead a week ago. People said they got hit with artilkery

Yesterday another one made rounds and told the whole story. Basically, they were all surrendering and one of the last Rus faked his surrender and started blasting killing one Ukr. A shootout happened and all Rus ended up dead.

That one Russian traded 1 Ukr kill for 14 Rus including himself. Utter foolishness. 15 people who could all be alive if one knew how to accept defeat. :snoop:

And I'm still amazed at soldiers in active conditions candidly livestreaming with their phone.
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Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
Damn, so there was this video circulating with dozens of Russians lyind dead a week ago. Peopke they got hit with artilkery

Yesterday another one made rounds and told the whole story. Basically, they were all surrendering and one of the last Rus faked his surrender and started blasting killing one Ukr. A shootout happened and all Rus ended up dead.

That one Russian traded 1 Ukr kill for 14 Rus including himself. Utter foolishness. 15 people who could all be alive if one knew how to accept defeat. :snoop:

And I'm still amazed at soldiers in active conditions candidly livestreaming with their phone.

thought that video looked weird

Gotta remember the Russians are so pumped full of propaganda and ultra nationalism I guess

I shared a video recently where a few Russians were surrendering and one of the Russians that was surrendering decided to try and cook a grenade and take out the Ukrainians instead) the idiot failed and was shot and the Ukrainian's showed restraint with the guys that had surrendered thankfully)

shyt like this is just hard to get your head around
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