What do you think happened in Afghanistan to the Soviets, Vietnam to the U.S., and in Iraq and Afghanistan with the U.S.? When you invade a country you turn every citizen into an enemy.How do you train someone during an active war scenario?
I'd think they be more of a hindrance than a help
Man’s is very very right.
Started with the pandemic, lockdowns which crushed small businesses, Russia going to war, high inflation and the Fed is bout to engineer another economic contraction and we aren’t even into 2023 yet.
Strap up
I completely agree. Putin will take the economic hit in order to gain territory and set Ukraine back 5-10 years.If I were to guess the Russians aren't planning a full occupation. Its likely to destroy the Ukrainian military from being an effective fighting force and break the Ukrainian economy to the point they are a failed state. Another would be to occupy the eastern half of Ukraine and the south as buffer states effectively turning Ukraine into a landlocked state that will be no threat to Russia.
Go Dig Ya Partner Up...BET HE CANT SAY shyt!
this can't be good right?
this can't be good right?
He is by the left it the right that are not calling him.At least they fighting back.
Its amazing how Trump is getting zero blame for this from millions of ppl