There isn’t anything else to escalate. Russia has had the door wide open, they’re just incapable. They don’t expect Russia to do anything but continue to meet them head on. Russia has done far too much to expect a treaty. It’s like how dirty the GOP can be until they’re on the opposite end, then they want everyone else to turn the other cheek. It’s simply time to throw hands on an international scale. Ain’t no teachers to break it up, ain’t no time outs, cease-fires, etc. it’s pointless. Everyone knows Russia won’t honor it. It’s just time to fight it out.
And I wouldn’t exactly call Russia honor driven, more of a “law of nature” type of culture. An “If I’m bigger and stronger than you and I want you have then you must give it to me or I’ll punch you in the face” type of culture. They strive to be a blend of early Turkish, mongol, and Euro cultures.