Hypothetical world... lets go back to real world.... for one link that mock practice.
Finally, to end this. I need to see any objective source which indicates any of the following :
1. Russia's missile defenses are second to none, and in fact are a threat to American air superiority.
2. Stealth Tech is irrelevant -- WITH SCIENCE and FACTS please
3. Russia has a more capable military than Israel -- you guys seemed to find that one laughable but show me any evidence to support the contrary outside of sheer numbers. I'll let you proselytize here and give us your opinion, but tell us at least why this is laughable.
That Im not going to do.
First. off, for number 1, Russia is the
only country with an anti-ballistic defense system. The U.S has deployed AEGIS in Japan which isn't fully functional yet.
I've provided MORE than enough links for your other questions. I'm done providing loads upon loads of links of information while not receiving ANY in return. I've asked loads of questions, all of which have been side stepped, so Im not going to waste another second providing specifics and links.
I challenge YOU to provide me links that stealth tech is complete invisible to low freq radar.
Israel has a more capable military than Russia? Provide me links on what defense system Israel has that can stop the S-400 or TOPOL-M. And which planes do they have in service that can battle the SU-35?