Change is inevitable...
This Horowitz cat is gonna be a new obstacle....
Man idk how he can be oblivious. He dresses and styles like a villain. My friends would have shytted on me if my hair was slicked back like that.
Steve Bannon, the former chief strategist to President Donald Trump, is scheduled to speak with special counsel Robert Mueller's investigators next week as they probe possible obstruction of justice by the president.
They don' think "we" are that stupid...
They think the Trump voter is that stupid and they're right...The morons elected a conman...
Wonder what changed :udgoraw:
Realistically, where are you folks on this? I think it’s a slam dunk, even with all the money that the Koch cowards are going to pump into him. I think he will retire if it gets closer, what y’all think?
Didn't see this posted yet:
Didn't see this posted yet: