Berry Gordy has a mixed relationship with Motown acts:
- half of them think he was a controlling crook/hustler, the other half thinks that he was a great blessing in their lives
- him and stevie wonder had an ugly business fallout for a hot minute when stevie wanted his MASTERS
he spoke on this in an interview once, and this article touches on it a little bit - but there were heated words exchanged
Stevie Wonder comes of age - May 13, 1971 - HISTORY.com
Stevie is still on motown to this day so everything is clearly all good:
- the play and movie DREAMGIRLS is supposedly based on Berry Gordy and Diana Ross
Smokey Robinson believes this so much that he felt the people who made the movie needed to apologize:
Smokey Robinson slams ‘Dreamgirls’
- He was a hater. Billie Dee just said in his UNSUNG Hollywood Episode that Berry Gordy was not cool with the kissing scenes between him and Diana Ross
on lady sings the blues
Billy Dee Tells What Made BerryGordy Jealous On Lady Sings The Blues Set
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