Eh speaking from a personal standpoint she probably can't stand herself for it, she appears confident but based on the fact she acts so vehemently towards other women that is a clear cut sign of insecurity, maybe her father doing what he did to her made her hate other women because the same may have not been done to her and she envied how they didn't suffer like her, add that to the fact she's hyper competitive it's likely due to her thinking because they didn't go through what she went through there was no way they could be better than her in anyway ESPECIALLY musicallyThis shyt is still confusing to me man. As we have heard over the years and have seen in that Coli thread on Aretha's attitude to other female singers she is one of those women who don't get along with other women...
My thing that makes the rape by her father confusing is that kind of thing would make women hate men more...why is it only her relationships with women are affected?I can't figure this puzzle out. And its not even like its on some "Man i blame myself for what my father did" cause she seems completely confident in herself and feels herself alot
That is obviously a confident woman...
But yeah if the rape happened when she was real young why did it affect her relation with other women? Is it something to do with her feeling a female relative didn't try to help? That is the only thing i can think of.
Am i looking too deep? Perhaps but from what i have learned dramatic experiences like that especially when young will always damage a person in some way
Just a guess