I think Mary Wilson and Martha Reeves are still here too right..Berry Gordy too
I didn't include berry because I was strictly talking artist
I think Mary Wilson and Martha Reeves are still here too right..Berry Gordy too
Marvin Gaye said he did that shyt to his father , punched him, to provoke him into killing him.i hate to say it but after reading all of this I can certainly see a situation where his pops had to body him. all these nikkas were druggies and habitual line steppers, not just Rick James
More Jackson fukkery...
This is during the Jackson 5 heyday...
Joe set up a system when they are on tour for how Groupies were to be dispersed...
A girl would have sex with Joe first
Then Jackie
And then if the girl had anything left to give Jermaine would get some
Jermaine once had sex with a groupie while Michael and Marlon were in the same hotel room. They were asleep. After they were finished as the groupie was leaving she heard Michael say "nice job. Now can we please get some sleep?" Michael and Marlon had been pretending the whole time....
Jackie and the other brothers once locked Michael into a hotel room with two hookers. Michael wasn't having it and after about an hour the brothers opened the door to discover Michael reading the Bible to the two hookers.
Joe would brag to his sons about his sexual exploits while on the road, which angered Michael. He never forgave Joe for cheating on his mother and this is the basis for why Michael would never help Joe later in life.
Who just has nudes of the first lady lying around....Michael Jackson was not a fan of either Sam Bowie or Mick Jagger. He felt that Mick sings flat and ruined their duet State Of Shock.
Quincy Jones and Michael's management originally predicted that Thriller would only sell Two Million copies (which was considered a Hot album at the time) Michael was pissed and almost shelved Thriller because of their lack of faith
Thriller was the FIRST album to hit number 1 in both the USA and the UK at the same time
CBS made Sixty Million Dollars off if Thriller but Michael made more. At the time, he had the highest royalty rate in the music business ($2.10 per album sold) MJ made Thirty-Two Million off of Thriller's domestic sales, Fifteen Million off international sales, and writer's royalties for the 4 songs he wrote.
Michael made two demands of Berry Gordy to perform on Motown 25. First he would perform Billie Jean. Berry countered that that song wasn't a Motown song so it didn't make sense. Michael told him it didn't matter. Secondly Michael demanded final edit of his taped performance. Berry agreed.
In 1978 Michael was so determined to meet Jackie Kennedy Onassis that he started dating Jackie's daughter Caroline. He took her to the skating rink and then to dinner. After dinner he tried to kiss her, to which she replied "If my mother knew that I kissed a black boy she absolutely kill me." Michael went home crying. Years later, during the success of Thriller, Jackie met with MJ about the possibility of him writing an autobiography for the publisher Double Day, for which Jackie served as editor. MJ asked Jackie about Caroline's comments and Jackie became angry and insisted that Caroline made up those comments herself.
Michael kept a nude photo of Jackie Kennedy in his sock drawer that a New York Daily news reporter gave to him as a souvenir
I've read two different sources that say Michael was reading them the Bible. This doesn't really surprise me because Michael was HARDCORE
about the Jehovah Witness faith up until his late 20's-early 30's. He used to go in disguise at the height of his fame on missionary endeavors. He used to invite Groupies to his room after concerts and talk to them about his faith and read them the Bible. Hell the whole reason he put the claimant in front of the Thriller video was to appease the elders at his church who revolted at the storyline of the video (he at first was going to have the video destroyed)
As far as him being asexual I don't know breh. I've read that he and Lisa Marie Presley were sexually active and that she was the only woman he'd ever felt truly sexually attracted to. I've also read little shyt here and there about him having young (early 20's) male companions always with him that no one could explain who they were and Michael would never give a straight answer.
The truth is that probably NOBODY but MJ knew his sexuality. I don't think he was molesting those boys, but I think Michael had a complex and confusing viewpoint of sex with being involved in he Church most of his life and seeing Joe and his brothers run through women like cattle.
MJ's sexuality has to be the hardest to pinpoint. His whole career social circle trajectory is weird. Being best friends with Brooke Shields and not pursuing a sexual relationship with her, having Elizabeth Taylor as somewhat of a role-model and confidant, having a crush on Jackie O, yet always having male companions, and then marrying Lisa Marie and apparently having "Great sex" with her. It seemed like Mike loved men, White women, and looked up to White women. That's like Chris Brown or some young Black male entertainer having Cindy Crawford as a confidant.I don't know brehthere's stories that go either way. There are reputable people within Michael's camp who knew and worked with him for decades who swear up and down Michael didn't have a gay bone in his body and then there are people in the same circle who kind of just go "
LOOK at the evidence..."
As an MJ Stan I've read it all. Most of his effeminate manner was used as a smokescreen to hide his calculating business moves and manipulative manner. People underestimated him and he got the drop on them. It's how he got the Beatles catalogue right from under Paul Mcartney's nose. It's part of how he manipulated the press (a lot of the early "wacko Jacko" rumors were actually planted by MJ himself, who was bought up to believe that all press was good press) MJ was SUPER shrewd and resourceful.
But you can't just sweep young males hanging out with you under the rug. Especially when NOBODY else knew who the hell these people were. Hell even Joe and Katherine confronted him once about that and MJ straight up refused to give them any answers.
There's only two examples of any women Michael expressed true romantic interest in. And one of them was Lisa Marie Presley, who by all accounts, did enjoy a sexually ravenous relationship with MJ. In fact that was one of the things that kept them together was great sex. But even Lisa was put off my MJ's insistence on having out with young underage boys DURING the height of the molestation allegations.
Ironically enough, Elizabeth Taylor was the one and true woman in Michael's life besides his mother who could ever talk any sense into him...
MJ's sexuality has to be the hardest to pinpoint. His whole career social circle trajectory is weird. Being best friends with Brooke Shields and not pursuing a sexual relationship with her, having Elizabeth Taylor as somewhat of a role-model and confidant, having a crush on Jackie O, yet always having male companions, and then marrying Lisa Marie and apparently having "Great sex" with her. It seemed like Mike loved men, White women, and looked up to White women. That's like Chris Brown or some young Black male entertainer having Cindy Crawford as a confidant.
MJ's sexuality has to be the hardest to pinpoint. His whole career social circle trajectory is weird. Being best friends with Brooke Shields and not pursuing a sexual relationship with her, having Elizabeth Taylor as somewhat of a role-model and confidant, having a crush on Jackie O, yet always having male companions, and then marrying Lisa Marie and apparently having "Great sex" with her. It seemed like Mike loved men, White women, and looked up to White women. That's like Chris Brown or some young Black male entertainer having Cindy Crawford as a confidant.
I was watching some of MJ's Oprah interview last night and he said that he was currently dating Brooke, but this goes against what @Ziggiy said so I don't know if he was just saying that. And then he mentioned he would have liked to propose to Elizabeth at some point. So, uh........what was really going on?![]()
A LONG-ENDURING rumor is that Tammi Terrell died because volatile boyfriend David Ruffin hit her on the head with a hammer. This isn't true James Brown hit Tammi with the hammer.However, Ruffin was indeed abusive.
Famed organist Earl Van Dyke, leader of Motown’s famous and prolific Funk Brothers band, recalled Ruffin beating up Terrell in the Hitsville building. He and some of the other musicians were furious but when they attempted to intervene, Van Dyke recalled that Tammi screamed, “Don’t hurt him!” didn't know michael jackson paid for his funeral though
2pac was engaged to quincy jones daughter at the time of his death
surprised no one has brought up debbie allen freaky ass, she used to eat halle berry box back in the day, and used to throw wild parties in the 70's that were like swinger parties, even was told that her and the females from different world would fukk around back in the day.
matter of fact cree summers used to date lisa bonet back in the day as well, the cast of cosby show and different world used to "party" together
He never dated Brooke Shields. They were only friends.
He didn't even want to take her to the Grammys. He did it as a favor for her. She complained half the night about having to "share" him with Emmanuel Lewis
in what part did i say that neither one of them beat her? i been reading conflicting stories on who hit her with the hammer.man you've been dropping fake news all up and down this thread
tammy terrell had a whole UNSUNG episode on TVone, and people close to her, that KNEW HER confirmed that BOTH of them nikkas beat her relentlessly.
they said this on national television.
are you just making all of this up or are you mis-remembering what somebody told you about these things?![]()
I had NO IDEA that line was about any other group, let alone ABC.I remember my older brother telling me about that beef when i was 6 years old. I remember because EVERYBODY back then even my parents were doing the ''JUMP JUMP kriss cross make ya JUMP JUMP''
ABC(Another bad creation) used to wear their clothes inside out, Kriss kross would wear their clothes back to front. That was enough to BEEF back then I guess.
kriss cross had that line dissing them in a song ''cause inside out is wigidiwigidiwigidiwWACK''